Dip in quality due to reservation: India Inc
Dip in quality due to reservation: India Inc
While the corporate sector is keen on doing its bit to correct social inequity, it is divided on the issue of mandatory reservation.

New Delhi: Many believe, that making reservation in the private sector mandatory may have a telling effect on economic efficiency.

The statement from the Prime Minister has triggered sharp reactions from captains of the Indian industry.

Chairman at Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Anji Reddy says, "My feeling is that let us not legislate and try to do it. Having said that it is also the duty of the private sector to do something for the weaker sections."

MD Head Hunters (India), Kris Laksmikanth says, "In today's talent shortage that we are facing, this is going to happen whether the Government makes a law or not. But a law per se may not help. Companies should get more and more people from the minority sections into the corporate sector."

Corporates argue they have committed out reach programmes to provide training to underprivileged groups. But their concern is that merit will take a beating.

Wipro Chairman, Azim Premji says, "We have no alternative but to hire the best talent within India and the best globally to man our positions like critical positions, non critical positions and programmer positions."

"We appreciate the compulsions the country is going through in terms of reservations. But I would not like to get into the controversy by trying to comment on it," he adds.

While politicians support the need for reservation, corporate India is still trying to come to terms with what it will mean for their business.

While a dip in quality is what most are worried about, many are also trying to get around the problem through their social responsibility initiatives.

And if the success of these programs is anything to go by, corporate India may yet win this battle while the debate rages on in Parliament.

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