Domestic skincare players to go global
Domestic skincare players to go global
While the big boys are targeting India, domestic players are gearing up to take the battle international.

New Delhi: Multiple brands, booming sales graphs and a flood of new entrants - the growing market for fairness and anti-marks products has skin-care players glowing.

The segment has seen a 20 per cent consistent growth year-on-year. After 'fairing' well in India, domestic players are gearing up to target the international market.

Leading the Rs 950 crore fairness products category with more than 60 per cent market share, Hindustan Lever will soon re-launch its flagship 'Fair and Lovely' anti-marks and ayurvedic creams in India.

However, other players like Cavin Care, No Marks of the Ozone Group, Emami and Godrej are crossing borders to cash in on the fairness craze in other Asian and African markets.

Ironically, international players in India do not have the fairness category on their key priority area, even though they continue to see double-digit growth in the category.

However, Revlon is likely to launch a new range of whitening products by April 2007. While the big boys are targeting India, domestic players are gearing up to take the fairness battle international. They are explore new markets and betting on exports.

President - Sales and Marketing of Ozone Ayurvedics Sandeep Ghosh says, "We are aware of the international competition coming in. We are well prepared and because of our ayurvedic heritage, we are taking the war back to their home turf."

Last year, the domestic players saw the demand for the fairness and anti-mark products grow by over 100 per cent in West Asia and the South Asian markets.

And that has the big players gearing up to woo the complexion conscious consumers across the globe. With that, it seems the fairness product industry will never see dark days.

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