RBI Assistant Posts Recruitment 2017 online application process has begun on the official website of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) - rbi.org.in. RBI has invited applications to fill 623 Assistant Posts, across it various bank branches in India.
The recruitment will be done in two phases via Preliminary Exam and Mains Exam.
The last date for applying online is 10th November 2017. Candidates must check their eligibility before applying for the post and follow the below instructions to apply online.
How to apply for RBI Assistant Post Recruitment 2017 Online?
Step 1 – Visit the official website - rbi.org.in
Step 2 – Click on Recruitment related Announcements at the end under ‘whats new’ Or
click on the direct link of the page https://opportunities.rbi.org.in/Scripts/Vacancies.aspx
Step 3 – Click on Recruitment for the post of Assistant
Step 4 – It will take you to the detailed notification, you need to click again on
“Recruitment for the post of Assistant”
Or click on the direct link of the page ibps.sifyitest.com/rbiastoct17/
Step 5 – Click on “Click Here for New Registration”
Step 6 – Enter your details, upload scanned image and signature and make the payment
Step 7 – Download the confirmation page and take a print out for further reference
The Preliminary examination for the post of RBI Assistant is scheduled tentatively for 27th and 28th November and the Main examination on 20th December 2017. Candidates would be given 1 hour to attempt 100 marks paper, which will test them in English language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability.
Candidates would be given 1 hour to attempt 100 marks paper, which will test them in English language, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability.
In the main exam, candidates will be tested in different sections with allotted time viz Reasoning (30 minutes), English language (30 minutes), Numerical Ability (30 minutes), General Awareness (25 minutes) and Computer Knowledge (20 minutes). These sections will comprise 40 questions each and will carry 200 marks.
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