6 Simple Steps to Fix a Broken Lock on SD Cards
6 Simple Steps to Fix a Broken Lock on SD Cards
SD cards have mechanical locks on them that allow you to prevent them from being written to. While this can be good for security, most of the time they just end up getting broken. Luckily, fixing the SD card will only cost you a couple of cents and a minute of your time. See Step 1 below to learn how.
Things You Should Know
  • Find the groove where the lock switch used to be and get rid of any leftovers that are stuck there.
  • Use cellophane tape to cover the groove and make sure it isn't blocking any contact surfaces on the back of the SD card.
  • With something sturdy like an ID card or credit card, smooth out the bubbles, if there are any.

Find the lock groove. Look for the spot where the lock switch used to be. The groove is typically located on the left edge of the SD card when you are looking at it from the front.

Remove any remaining lock material. If there is any plastic piece of the old lock switch still attached or dangling, use nail scissors to gently snip out the remaining piece.

Get some cellophane tape. You will need a thin, clear cellophane tape with a strong adhesive grip. Scotch brand is the most common, but any brand will work as long as it is very adhesive. Make sure that roll is not very wide. 1/2" is the standard.

Remove a piece of tape. Remove a small piece of tape from your roll. Remove a 1/2" piece of tape from the roll, creating a 1/2" x 1/2" square of tape.

Affix the tape to the lock groove. The tape should be wrapped around both the front and the back of the SD card, creating a level surface along the edge with the lock groove. Make sure to firmly press the tape down so that there are no wrinkles or bubbles. Ensure that none of the contacts on the back of the SD card are covered by the tape, or the card will not read. Bumps in the tape or raised edges could cause the SD card to get stuck in the slot.

Insert the card into your device or reader. The SD card should now be fully unlocked. If it is still locked, make sure that the tape has created a level surface on the lock edge.

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