How Long Does It Take to Play 18 Holes of Golf?
How Long Does It Take to Play 18 Holes of Golf?
Do you want to hit the golf course with your friends but aren’t sure how much time to carve out of your schedule? While a lot of different factors change how long it takes to play 18 holes, you’ll still be able to play through the course within an afternoon. Whether you’re new to golf or have played a few games before, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn how long you’ll spend on the course and what you can do to keep up a good pace.
Things You Should Know
  • Expect 18 holes of golf to take around 3–4 ½ hours to play.
  • The number of players in your group, your skill level, and the number of other people on the course may slow your playtime.
  • Drive a golf cart, take fewer practice swings, and hit your ball as soon as you’re ready to speed up your golf game.

Average Play Time for 18 Holes

3–4 ½ hours If you play golf at a standard pace, each hole will take you around 11–17 minutes to play through. Since a full 18 holes can take up a large chunk of your day, keep your schedule clear after your tee time just in case you run into some delays on the course. Some courses have a time limit for how long a game can take so the course can maintain their tee times. Ask an employee at the clubhouse for any specific limits they have.

Factors Affecting Play Time

Number of players If you’re playing alone, you’re usually able to play a little faster since you’re not waiting on anyone and larger groups may let you pass them on the course. When you have a larger group and wait for everyone to take their shot, then your pace will slow down. 1 player: 3 hours 2 players: 3–4 hours 3 players: 4–4 ½ hours 4 players: 4 ½+ hours

Skill level If you’re just learning how to play golf, then it’ll take longer for 18 holes since you’re not as experienced yet. As you continue to improve your game and learn how to navigate the course better, your speed will improve too. Spend some time practicing your skills off the course too. Hit balls at the driving range to improve your swing, try putting on the practice green, and ask the clubhouse if they have coaches to hire.

Time of day When you or your group are the first ones on the course, you get to set the pace without any other golfers in front of you. As the course gets busier later in the day, it may take longer to play through holes if all the golfers ahead of you are slowing down the pace.

Walking the course Walking a golf course is a great way to get a workout along with your golf game, but it may slow down your game getting to your ball after each shot.

Course difficulty If there are a lot of water hazards or sand traps on the holes, your play time may go up if you land in them. Since it’ll take a few extra minutes each time you locate your ball or rake the sand after a bunker shot, expect to spend a longer time on the course. Par-3 holes usually take around 10 minutes, par-4 holes take 13 minutes, and longer par-5 holes can take 16 minutes a piece.

Weather delays If there are strong winds or rain, it affects how your ball flies through the air after each shot. Since the weather adds some unpredictability to where your ball may land, it may take extra time to line up difficult shots. If there’s lightning nearby, then the course will stop all the golfers until the storm passes.

Playing a Quicker Round

Arrive at the course before your tee time. Call the course ahead of time and schedule your tee time to ensure you’re able to play right when you get there. Try to get to the course a few minutes early so you have time to check in and take a few practice swings before you actually have to start golfing.

Drive a golf cart. Most courses offer golf cart rentals for a small fee, so talk to the employee at the clubhouse when you check in to see if there are any available to use. Drive the cart on paths and the fairway to quickly search for your ball after each shot. If you’re playing with a group, drop a person off at their ball with a few clubs and drive to your ball. That way, you’re not waiting between shots and you’re ready to shoot after them. If they don’t have any golf carts, ask if there are any push carts for your golf bag. That way, you’re not slowed down by setting down and picking up your bag between shots.

Play from the tee boxes closer to the hole. If you’ve played any past rounds of golf before, calculate your handicap from your old scores to find out which tee box to play from. If you’re newer or less experienced, use the tee boxes closest to the hole. When you have more experience and are able to drive the ball further, then try using the middle or back tee boxes When you’re driving, try to line up the middle of the club’s head behind the ball so you hit straight, consistent shots.

Shorten your pre-swing routine. Limit yourself to only 1 or 2 practice swings before you line up your shot and take your swing. Try to spend a maximum of 40 seconds before each shot so you’re able to keep up the pace without slowing down your game. Give yourself enough time to get into the proper stance for hitting your ball. Keep the club straight, your knees slightly bent, and your shoulders square throughout your swing.

Spend 3 minutes or less looking for a lost ball. After you hit your ball, try to pay attention to where it lands so you know the general area to look for it. If you’re unable to find your ball for any reason, stop searching after 3 minutes and drop a new ball to play from.

Prepare your next shot while other people are swinging. Rather than waiting next to a person who’s taking their swing, play “Ready Golf” and start looking for your ball and lining up your shot. That way, as soon as they finish their swing and you see the ball land, you’re able to take your swing and keep the game moving. While someone else is putting, read the golf green to determine how your ball will roll. Stand on the low side of the green and look up toward the high side to check the slope.

Track scores at the next hole’s tee. Writing down your scores for the hole while you’re still on the green holds up the group behind you and prevents them from taking their shots. As soon as you finish putting, move to the next hole and record your scores to keep the pace of the course moving.

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