Dialing from Your Phone
Keep the time difference in mind. Panama is in the Eastern Standard Time zone (EST). If you were calling from Los Angeles, Panama would be 3 hours ahead. It’s easy to forget about differences in time, so thinking ahead might end up saving you from calling at an inappropriate hour.
Dial the exit code. In order to call Panama you need to dial out of the country that you’re calling from. If you’re calling from the United States, the exit code is 011. This is the first thing that needs to be dialed before anything else. Exit codes differ from country to country. You must look up your country's exit code before calling.
Dial 507 to call Panama. After you dial the exit code you must dial the country code for Panama which is 507. If you’re calling Panama from the United States you would first dial “011 507”.
Dial the number of the person that you're calling. After you've dialed the exit code and the country code, you can input the number that you're trying to call. Which will either be 8 digits for a cellphone, or 7 digits for a fixed landline.
Considering Cheaper Alternatives
Purchase a prepaid phone card. You can buy prepaid phone cards to make international calls for a flat rate. You can buy a phone card at a local convenience store, pharmacy, or supermarket. Each card will offer a different rate, so you need to find the one that best fits your needs. Typically, phone cards will have a number for you to call first before you dial the number you’re trying to reach. Do some research about the phone card before buying. Certain card providers make false claims about the deal they offer. There can also be fees and surcharges that are not advertised.
Use a calling app on your phone. Nowadays, there are several cellphone apps that you can download to make international calls. These apps make calls through the internet, so they’re a fantastic way to keep costs down. As long as your phone is connected to Wi-Fi, and the person you’re calling has the same app downloaded, you can call as many times as you’d like. Whatsapp, Viber, KakaoTalk, and Line are some of the more popular free calling apps. Make sure that you’re somewhere with a stable internet connection before calling.
Use your computer to video chat. Just like the calling apps, there are many options to contact someone in Panama without having to calling them. Most new computers come pre-equipped with a video camera that you can use to video chat. Skype, Google Hangouts, and Facebook Messenger are free ways to video chat . Make sure that the person you want to talk to has the same application you're using on their computer. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a computer calling someone to video chat on their phone, or vice versa. Many of these apps will work no matter which device you’re using.
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