How To Celebrate Navratri
How To Celebrate Navratri
Navratri is a colorful 9 day celebration for Hindu worshippers during the autumn that focuses on the Goddess Durga in her 9 different forms. The holiday is celebrated in different ways all throughout India and the world, but there are a few similarities between all of the celebrations. You can participate in Navratri no matter where you are!

Participating in Spiritual Enrichment

Set aside time for longer meditation sessions. Religious and spiritual introspection is important during Navratri. If you don't currently meditate every day, try to set aside a least 15 minutes every day during the 9 days to slow down and focus on your spirit. If you already practice daily meditation, try devoting extra time to your meditation and prayer each day. If it's difficult for you to find time to meditate, do it when you wake up in the morning or just before bed, since you'll be winding down and in a more introspective mood during these times.

Light an Akhand Jyot in front of Goddess Durga's statue or picture. The Jyot is an oil lamp that burns for a long time once lit. During the 9 nights of celebration, keep the lamp lit in front of a picture or statue of Durga to honor her image. If you don't feel comfortable leaving the lamp lit when you leave your home, you can use an electric candle while you're away and relight the lamp once you return.

Recite the Gayatri Mantra three times per day. This is one of the most important spiritual traditions of Navratri, and it is said in the morning, afternoon, and evening. During your prayers and meditation, recite the mantra in your mind or aloud to focus your spirit on creation, unity, and life. The mantra is commonly chanted as “Om buhr, bhuva, swaha, om tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dheemahi, dhiyo yonaha prachodayat” which translates to “Let us meditate on that excellent glory of the divine vivifying Sun, May he enlighten our understandings.” Some traditional Hindu worshippers don't recommend that women chant the Gayatri Mantra because it is very powerful and can be harmful for them. However, it's your decision to decide how you would like to worship.

Perform Aarti in front of the image or statue of Goddess Durga. Offering Aarti is a way to show respect to Durga during the celebration. Soak the wicks of a few lamps in purified butter and light them. Then, wave the wicks in front of the image or statue and say a short prayer in front of Durga to show your complete love and respect. Some people choose to bow while saying their prayer in order to show devotion. It's up to you to decide how you would like to perform the offering.

Fast if you feel comfortable doing so. There are many ways to fast during Navratri. The first includes only eating fruit and drinking milk throughout the nine days. Another way to fast is abstaining from food only on the first, fourth, and seventh days of the celebration. Some people choose to fast by eating only one vegetarian meal per day, prepared without garlic or onions. If for any reason you feel like you cannot fast during Navratri, it's acceptable to stop fasting and resume your diet as normal.

Practicing Cultural Traditions

Give gifts like sweets and traditional food to young girls. Durga is said to be exemplified by young girls, so it's common to wash their feet and give them treats like fruit and other traditional food during the celebration. Normally, since many people fast during the day, the gifts are given at night to break the fast. This tradition also extends to married women by treating them with the highest respect and sharing food and treats with them as well to honor their strength.

Participate in charity work that benefits the needy. Navratri encourages people to give back to their community with the gift of food during the celebration. Most of the time, this means cooking meals for the needy or feeding the homeless to encourage growth and positivity in the community. A great way to observe this aspect of Navratri is by volunteering at a local food bank or soup kitchen during the 9 days of celebration. You might also choose to deliver meals on your own to elderly people or needy people in your area. You can share meals that you've already prepared for your celebration, or make larger batches with the intent of giving some to the hungry.

Dance after the sun sets. A huge part of the Navratri celebration is dancing and having fun during the night time! Put on some Hindi pop music and have a dance party with friends and family on each of the 9 nights. In some areas of India, huge groups of people get together in stadiums and have big dance parties. Recreate this with your friends by having a mini disco in your house! For a more modern take, play a dancing game using a gaming console and make it into a competition to see who can get the best scores.

Maintaining Your Appearance

Keep your mind and thoughts pure. Navratri focuses on cleansing negative feelings like hatred, jealousy, anger, and violence. Avoid negative thoughts about other people and try to remain positive throughout the day. Shower each day so that your body is pure and clean, just like your mind! If you begin to have negative or impure thoughts, center yourself by participating in a short meditation session. Remind yourself why you're celebrating Navratri and refocus your thoughts on positive things.

Bathe every day in the morning. Part of the celebration also focuses on the purity of the body, which means keeping yourself clean. Wash your hair and body thoroughly every morning and be as clean as possible throughout the day. It's best to bathe in the morning in order to appear presentable throughout the day.

Refrain from cutting your hair, shaving, and trimming your nails. This is especially important for men, but women should also not trim their hair or nails during Navratri. Don't feel bad if you have to cut your hair or nails during this time. You can make up for it by meditating or praying a little extra on that day.

Wear only brightly colored clothing, and avoid black clothes. Navratri is a colorful celebration period, and both men and women refrain from wearing black clothing during this time. It's a great time to step out of your comfort zone and wear colors that you normally wouldn't wear on a normal day. For men, this can mean any color other than black. Red, blue, orange, yellow, green, pink, and purple are all common. You can also wear different colors on your top and bottom. For women, focus on yellows and reds because Goddess Durga prefers roses of those colors.

Keep your house clean. Durga visits each house during the 9 nights of celebration, so it's important to have the whole house looking clean. Start cleaning before the celebration begins and do minor cleanups each day throughout the celebration. If your home needs repairs, do them just before Navratri so that it can be in its best shape for a visit from Durga.

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