How to Choose a Baptismal Name
How to Choose a Baptismal Name
Baptism for Catholics is a sacrament that is often received by infants several months after they are born. Holy water is poured on the forehead to represent the burial of sin, and resurrection and rebirth through water. Baptismal names are used only by Catholics, and it is often the same name that parents give their child when they are born. When Catholic parents choose a name for their newborn child, they understand that they are also choosing a baptismal name. The name is often the name of a saint, but it does not have to be. You can choose a baptismal name by researching the lives of saints and picking a name that reflects a Christian life.

Research the lives of saints. Many people like to choose a Biblical name for their children. If you want to give yourself or your child a baptismal name that reflects a saint, find a saint you admire. Conduct an Internet search of Catholic saints. You will find names and descriptions that may inspire you. Read books about saints. Check out the reference section of the library, or browse your local bookstore. There are also books of baby names that have specific sections on religious names.

Choose a name associated with Christian virtue or ritual. You can keep a Christian feeling around the name without using the name of an actual saint.

Talk to your priest. When you choose to baptize yourself or your child, your church will want you to work with a pastor or a priest. He will help prepare you and your family for the sacrament of baptism.

Ask the godparents for advice. The godparents are appointed by the infant's parents to help with some of the ritual functions of the baptism, and to provide spiritual leadership and guidance to the parents and child. Ask the godparents you have chosen if they have any thoughts on what to choose as a name.

Think about the religious history and future of your family. Some parents decide to give their children names that are honored or cherished by the family.

Symbolize the new beginning in your faith. If you are an adult being baptized, you can keep your own name that was given at birth. Or, you can select a separate baptismal name to indicate your new identity. This is uncommon, but you have the option.

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