How to Do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
How to Do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
The Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram (or the LBRP) is a basic occult ritual and form of ceremonial magic that forms the foundation for other rituals and magics. It was begun by the Golden Dawn, an occult society, and is said to dispel negative influences and increase your spiritual discipline. We’ll show you how to perform the ritual from start to finish, including performing the Qabalistic cross and invoking the angels.
Overview of the Ritual

Performing the Qabalistic Cross

Put on white or black robes and prepare your altar. An altar isn’t necessary, but if you have one, place it in the center of the room. If you have one, light a white candle on the altar to represent purity and energy. Also place on the altar a cup of water, a small pile of salt, an unlit match, and a feather, which represent the four elements of water, earth, fire, and air, respectively. Traditionally, these objects are actually a wand, a cup, a dagger, and a pentacle, but these aren’t always easy to obtain.

Face east and imagine a brilliant light touching your forehead. Stand in the center of your room (in front of your altar) and imagine that you are a towering figure and the earth is a tiny sphere below you. Imagine an intense white light touching the crown of your head. Also imagine yourself to be the center of the universe to position your body and mind.

Use your right hand to bring the light to your forehead. Reach up with your right hand (or a ritual dagger, also called an Athame) and pull this white light down to your forehead. As you do this, vibrate the word “ATAH” (ah-tah), which means, “unto thee” or “thou art.” To “vibrate” the word, focus all your attention on it in your head, say it out loud, or both—whichever feels most significant to you.

Move your hand down your body to your groin. Bring your hand to your breast, then stomach, then hips. As you do, feel the light being drawn down through you in a beam, all the way to your feet. When your hand reaches your groin, vibrate the word “MALKUTH” (Mahl-kooth), which means, “the Kingdom.” Imagine the light running through you, from the crown of your head to the ground beneath your feet, connecting you to the earth.

Touch your right then left shoulders. Bring the beam of light to your right shoulder and vibrate “VE-GEBURAH” (v'ge-boo-rah), which means “the Power.” Then bring the light to your left shoulder and vibrate “VE-GEDULAH” (v'ge-doo-lah), which means “the Glory.” As you do, imagine the beam of light extending past your shoulders, as well, to form a cross.

Extend your hands out, then join them at your breast. Outstretch your hands, then bring them together and vibrate, “LE-OLAHM, AMEN (lay-oh-lahm, ah-men), which means, “Forever, unto the ages.”You are now standing in the center of a cross of light that reaches to the ends of the universe.

Forming the 4 Pentagrams

Face east and draw a pentagram in the air. Draw the pentagram starting at the bottom left point, then trace to the top point, the bottom right, the left, the right, and back to the start. Visualize it glowing in flaming blue light. Point to the middle of the pentagram and vibrate “YOD HEH VAV HEH” (yode-heh-vahv-heh), or the God-name. This is the Sign of the Enterer.

Face south and draw another pentagram. Pivot to the south, then move your finger to face forward and trace another pentagram in the air, like the first. Vibrate “ADONAI” (ah-doh-nye), another God-name. Make the Sign of Silence by placing your left finger over your lips.

Pivot and draw another pentagram to the west, then the east. Just like the first 2 pentagrams, draw one facing west and vibrate, “EHEIEH” (eh-hey-yay), meaning “I am that I am.” Then do the same to the north and vibrate “AGLA” (ah-gah-lah), which means “Thou art great forever.” As you draw pentagrams, move to the corresponding side of the altar, so that you walk in a circle all the way around it by the time you’re finished.

Point east to connect your pentagrams into a sphere of light. You’re now surrounded by 4 blue flaming pentagrams in the 4 equal corners of your circle you've just made, each charged with a God-name.

Invoking the Archangels

Face east and invoke Raphael. Outstretch your arms like a cross, and visualize the Qabalistic cross you made earlier. Look in front of you (east) and say, “Before Me, RAPHAEL (rah-fay-el).” Feel his presence and feel the airy breeze hit your face.

Invoke Gabriel behind you. Imagine another presence behind you and say, “Behind Me, GABRIEL (gah-bree-el).” Feel the element moisture of water on your back.

Invoke Michael to your right. Look to your right and say, “On my right hand, MICHAEL (mi-kai-el).” Feel the heat of fire.

Invoke Uriel to your left. Look to your left, and say, “On my left hand, URIEL (or-ee-el).” Feel the sense of solidity given off by this quarter.

Say the final verse while facing east. Contemplate the flaming pentagrams and the presence of the angels around you. Then say, “For around me shines the pentagram...:” Visualize a brilliant hexagram within your chest and say, “...and within me shines the six ray star.”

Finish the ritual by making another Qabalistic cross. As you did in the first section, use your right hand to bring the light from your head to your toes, then to your right and left shoulders, then clasped at your breast. The ritual is complete, and negative energies are banished. Perform this ritual every day to grow and strengthen your spiritual power and discipline.

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