Pretend to Do Telekinesis to Fake Out Your Friends
Pretend to Do Telekinesis to Fake Out Your Friends
Science says telekinesis isn't real—but that doesn't mean you can't fool all of your friends into thinking you have this amazing power! Magicians have been faking telekinesis for centuries and with a little practice, you can be as convincing as the most seasoned pro. Read on to learn the easiest tricks you can pull off, whether you're shooting a video for social media or entertaining family and friends at the dinner table.
Things You Should Know
  • Loop fishing line or a piece of string around the object and your wrist to magically pull the object toward you.
  • Fold a piece of paper in half in all directions and balance it on a needle to awe people with your ability to spin it with your mind.
  • Rub a plastic object to charge it with static electricity so it will spin when you move your thumb close to its end.
  • Blow past a small object at a wall or large object to redirect the air current so the small object magically moves toward you.

Using Hidden Loops

Choose a lightweight object that doesn't require a lot of force to move. A pen, a small toy, a plastic cup, a pair of cheap sunglasses—anything will work for this trick as long as it's not too heavy. If you're making a video, you might want to choose something a little larger so it shows up well on screen—as long as it's also pretty lightweight. Make sure there's an easy way to tie the thread around it so that it stays put. If you're doing this trick live, it also needs to be something you can put the loop around quickly and easily without people noticing. If you're making a video you have a little more leeway to edit.

Tie one end of a thin piece of elastic thread or fishing line around the object. Monofilament fishing line works best because it's practically invisible to the naked eye. Or, use a special invisible thread made specifically for magic tricks like this. Make sure it wraps securely around the object and won't slide off when you pull on it.

Tie the other end of the thread around your wrist. Measure the thread carefully so you have enough length to set the object down on the table and move your hand around a little without moving the object—that would destroy the illusion. At the same time, it needs to be taut enough that you can easily move the object without making a really dramatic motion. Play around with it! Generally, you want at least 12 to 24 in (30 to 61 cm).

Set the object on the table in front of you. If you're doing your trick live in front of people, you might hand the object to them and let them "inspect" it first. Then, slip the loop around the object when you take it back from them, before you put it down on the table. If you're making a video, prop your phone up so it's shooting toward you. Check the lighting to make sure your line isn't visible in your video.

Move your hands around the object to simulate using telekinesis. Here's where the acting comes in. Squint your eyes and scrunch your forehead as you stare at the object so it looks like you're concentrating really hard. Hold your hands stiffly, maybe even make them shake a little—you're channeling the power of your mind through your hands to move the object.

Pull on the thread to actually move the object. Flick your wrist a little while keeping your hands and fingers active around the object to distract the people watching. Practice makes perfect, so try this a few times in front of a mirror to make sure your movements are smooth and the actual pulling of the thread is undetectable. If you have a relatively short loop, you can actually make the object move around any time you move the hand that has the loop around it.

Spinning a Piece of Paper

Fold a 2 in × 2 in (5.1 cm × 5.1 cm) piece of paper in half in all directions. A piece of paper about the size of your average sticky note works great. Fold it in half on the diagonal, crease, then unfold. Now do the same thing with the other diagonal so the creases form an "x." Fold it again horizontally, then vertically, so the creases make a "+."

Pinch the "x" so that the center pops up. When you pinch the center, the point will pop up. Arrange the creases so they're folding in and out and your paper now looks like a little tent or pinwheel.

Push a needle or toothpick into an eraser or piece of cork. If you're using a needle, push the sharp end into the eraser. Make sure it's standing straight and tall—the paper won't sit on it properly if it's tilted.

Rest the paper on the end of the needle or toothpick. Set the eraser or piece of cork on the table. Then gently drop the piece of paper on top so it's just resting there. It'll likely move a little when you first set it down, so wait for it to stop and settle in place. Congratulations—you've just created a psi wheel. Be careful not to breathe too heavily or too close to the paper—any air current at all will start it moving and ruin your demonstration.

Hold your hands on either side of the paper to make it spin with your mind. Concentrate all of your mental energy on the paper sitting on the needle as you move your hands around it. Slowly, the paper will start spinning. You have telekinetic powers! Believers use psi wheels to prove that telekinesis is real. But regardless of whether you believe in real telekinesis, you can make a psi wheel work with a little practice. If you're shooting a video, an overhead angle is usually best to capture the movement of the paper.

Charging Objects with Static Electricity

Rub a drinking straw or pen against your shirt to charge it. A plain, round plastic pen or plastic drinking straw works best. A straw is usually a little easier just because it's more lightweight. When you rub it against a shirt or sweater, it builds up electric charge. You can even rub it on your hair, although that's a little more difficult to disguise if you're doing the trick live in front of people.

Balance the straw or pen on top of a bottle with the cap on. The type of cap that's not completely flat works best, because the straw or pen won't be perfectly balanced—that makes it easier to move. Lay it across the top of the cap so that it'll sit there and not fall off. You really only need the cap, so don't sweat it if you don't have the bottle. Having the bottle just gives your trick a little more elevation and drama.

Hold your hands with your fingers over the straw or pen. Arrange your hands on either side of the straw or pen, ideally with your thumbs pointing down under it and your fingers over top of it. Don't bring them close enough to actually touch any part of the straw or pen. If you're shooting a video, play with your camera angles to make sure your hands and fingers aren't actually obscuring the pen from view. An overhead angle works great if you can manage it!

Wiggle your fingers as you slowly bring your thumb near the charged end. Wiggling your fingers over the top of the pen or straw adds to the illusion that it's your fingers doing the telekinetic work. Focus on the pen or straw, staring at it intently as you move your thumb closer to it.

Move your thumb up and away when the straw or pen moves. When your thumb gets close enough to interact with the built-up static electricity, the straw or pen will move. Quickly move your thumb to keep the straw or pen moving once it's started. You don't need to interact with it anymore, but you can continue to wiggle your fingers around as though you're controlling it with your mind.

Working with Air Currents

Set a drinking straw or pen on the table in front of you. For this trick, use a long, cylindrical object that rolls easily. Drinking straws and pens are great choices because they're lightweight, so it doesn't actually take a lot of air to move them. If you're using a pen, taking the cap off first will make this trick a lot easier to do. Make sure your surface is completely flat and level so the straw or pen doesn't move on its own.

Place another larger object behind the straw or pen. If you've got a wall on the backside of the table, that's best—but any large object works fine. It just needs to be able to redirect the air current when you blow on it. In a pinch, you can even use your hand—just tell anyone watching that you want to make sure the pen or straw doesn't roll off the table. You know it's actually going to roll in the other direction, but they don't know that. If you're shooting a video, use the object to prop up your phone. There's a double benefit here because the object itself is completely hidden from view.

Hold your hands on either side of the straw or pen to fake telekinesis. Put your acting skills to work demonstrating how hard you're concentrating. Hold your hands tensely, causing them to tremble with all the mental energy you're directing through them.

Blow against the large object to move the straw or pen toward you. When you blow against the larger object, the object redirects the stream of air toward the straw or pen, which causes it to roll toward you. This makes the trick much more convincing—if you blew directly on the straw or pen, people would likely catch on to what you were doing pretty quickly.

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