What are masculine hands?
Masculine hands tend to be muscular, veiny, and have thick, chubby fingers. They usually have defined muscles, thick knuckles, and slender veins. The palm and fingers also tend to be proportional. Really masculine hands are hairy with a little bit of wear and tear from working. You’ll know if you have masculine hands if they are rough with thick, defined features. Masculine hands show that you work hard.
How to Make Your Hands Look More Masculine
Focus on growing the muscles in your hands. Masculine hands are usually full of muscle, while feminine hands are often sleek. To grow those muscles, focus on doing grip strength exercises. Farmers holds, barbell lifting, and reverse wrist curls are great ways to increase your grip strength and develop the muscles in your hands. Use a hand gripper for less intense workouts. If you don’t have any exercise equipment, squeeze your fist as tight as you can a few times a day. This will increase your grip strength and make your hands look masculine.
Cut your nails low to make your fingers seem shorter. If your fingers are long and slender, round nails are a good way to go. They make your fingers look shorter and stubbier, which is a characteristic of masculine hands.
Rough up your hands so they have character. A key feature of masculine hands is their rough texture, so don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Lifting heavy objects and doing hand workouts are a great way to add some character to your hands. Avoid over-exfoliating or using too much lotion, as that will keep your hands smooth and get rid of their texture. Be careful not to accidentally damage your hands while working out.
Wear minimal, masculine jewelry. If you choose to wear jewelry, opt for masculine pieces. Bold watches, leather bracelets, chunky metal rings, and signet rings are traditionally "manly" options.
Why are masculine hands attractive?
Masculine hands are attractive because they tend to be big and full of character. Big hands are a sign of strength and protection, which is attractive to many people. The scars or calluses show that you work hard, which is also attractive. The smooth skin works to balance things out and draw even more eyes. Plus, the veins are a sign of fitness and strength, so they’re like a cherry on top. Masculine hands that have a slightly feminine shape are also considered attractive.
What do feminine hands look like?
Feminine hands are usually smooth with long fingers and a little bit of muscle. They tend to be well-moisturized, which is why they’re so smooth. They’re often slender—thanks to the long fingers and skinnier frame—and usually don’t have as many scars or calluses. The nails often have rounded edges, which soften the look of the hand and add a touch of femininity.
How to Make Your Hands Look More Feminine
Grow longer nails to elongate your fingers. Longer nails make your fingers seem longer, and long fingers are often associated with feminine hands. Tapered styles like almond or oval-shaped nails are a great way to make your fingers look longer. If your fingers are short and stubby, avoid square nails, as they draw attention to their width.
Moisturize your hands regularly. Feminine hands are usually smoother than masculine hands, so regularly apply moisturizing lotion to keep them smooth. EXPERT TIP Lydia Shedlofsky, DO Lydia Shedlofsky, DO Dermatologist Dr. Lydia Shedlofsky is a Resident Dermatologist who joined Affiliated Dermatology in July of 2019 after completing a traditional rotating internship at Larkin Community Hospital in Miami, Florida. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. After graduation, she moved to Beira, Mozambique, and worked as a research assistant and intern at a free clinic. She completed a Post-Baccalaureate program and subsequently earned a Master's Degree in Medical Education and a Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine. Lydia Shedlofsky, DO Lydia Shedlofsky, DO Dermatologist To avoid dry or rough hands, use fragrance-free soaps and thick emollient creams. This will soften the skin and increase moisture levels. Protect your hands from the sun with sunscreen or sun guard sleeves.
Wear jewelry on your hands. Men tend to wear less jewelry than women, so bracelets, adjustable rings, and other types of hand jewelry can make your hands look more feminine. Wear bracelets with floral patterns or handmade jewelry for a more unique, personalized look. Wear thin, adjustable star rings for a more subtle look. Avoid bulky, silver rings, as they’re typically worn by men.
Avoid hand workouts so you don’t build muscle. A key feature of masculine hands is strong muscle definition, so if you want your hands to be less masculine, avoid doing hand workouts. If you go to the gym a lot and find it hard to avoid working your hands out, consider using lighter weights or taking longer rest days so that the muscles don’t develop.
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