What does mmk mean?
What does mmk mean?
Someone just responded to your message with a simple “mmk.” Are they saying okay? Are they being sarcastic? Which one is it? Whether someone sent this to you over a text or you saw it on social media, you might be wondering about the meaning behind these three letters and what exactly they’re meant to imply. We’ll explain all of mmk’s different nuances, and will also give you some suggestions on how to respond the next time someone sends you a message that starts with mmk.
Things You Should Know
  • ”Mmk” is a combination of “mmm” and “okay.”
  • People often use “mmk” to express disinterest, a lack of enthusiasm, disbelief, or irritation.
  • ”Mmk” can also be used to express affection in certain scenarios, read as a softer version of “okay.”

Mmk Meaning

Mmk is a combination of “mmm” and “okay” that usually indicates disapproval. It’s a humming, drawn-out way to say “okay,” with the added "mmm" usually adding a note of disapproval or some other negative feeling. In texting and on social media, you will most likely see mmk written in lowercase letters rather than all uppercase.

How to Use Mmk

Show disinterest. Let the person you’re texting know that you really don’t care about whatever it is they’re talking about and that you don’t have a lot of thoughts on the topic. “mmk sure if you want.” “mmk yeah sure, whatever you guys want, I don’t really care.” “mmk yeah, I mean it’s up to you. I’m free all weekend.”

Let them know that you’re agreeing, but tentatively. Slightly less enthusiastic than saying “Yes,” mmk lets the other person know that you’re agreeing to whatever it is they’re saying, but you’re still a bit hesitant. Let them know that you’re okay with the idea, just not bursting with excitement. “mmk. I have some work left to do, so we’ll see.” “mmk well, let me know when you get that figured out.” “mmk I mean, we haven’t seen them in like a year, but if you want to invite them go ahead.”

Let someone know you’re suspicious of what they’re saying. Express your disbelief towards whatever was just said in a more passive-aggressive way. You’re not directly calling them out for being a liar or for exaggerating, but you’re making it clear that things seem a bit sus. “mmk yeah that makes total sense.” “mmk sure.” “mmk yeah I definitely believe that.”

Let them know that you’re annoyed. Mmk can be used to let the other person know that you feel annoyed by whatever they just said, or that you feel seriously inconvenienced if they’re asking for a favor from you. “mmk I guess.” “mmk got it.” “mmk yeah I’ll be sure to do that.”

Show some affection. This is kind of a one-eighty from the other examples, but mmk can actually express a warm and affectionate feeling if used in the right context. It sounds much softer than just a standard “okay.” “mmk yeah. I’d really like that.” “mmk yeah I’m actually really excited.” “mmk just tell me a time and place and I’ll be there.”

How to Respond to Mmk

Repeat what you just said. If someone doesn’t seem interested in what you’re saying, repeat it one more time so that they understand that this is something important or something you really want to talk about. You: We decided we’re going out Friday. Is that okay with you? Them: mmk yeah sure whenever is fine. You: But will Friday actually work for you?

Ask for a clear answer. When someone gives you a tentative “Yes” by sending mmk, ask a follow up question to get a more exact answer out of them if you really need to know. You: Wanna go to the zoo with me tomorrow? Them: mmk I mean, I have work to do, but I might be able to go. You: Okay well, when exactly are you free?

Let them know you mean what you say. If it sounds like someone doesn’t believe what you’re saying, emphasize that you are being completely serious and are telling the truth. Of course, if you happen to be lying, this may not work, but if you mean what you say, then don’t be afraid to stick up for yourself. You: I almost beat him in our game yesterday! Them: mmk yeah I bet. You: It’s true! ???? I have a screenshot of the final score if you want proof.

Call them out. If someone is being overly sarcastic and condescending towards you and treating your words with a patronizing tone, don’t be afraid to call them out on it. Make it clear that you don’t appreciate such dismissive language being used towards you. You: Make sure you text me when you get there. Them: mmk whatever. You: I’m just looking out for your safety.

Don’t engage. Sometimes it’s best to just let someone be if they’re being difficult. They may be implying that they just don’t feel like talking by sending you mmk, so leaving them alone for a while is totally okay.

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