5-Year-Old Boy Murdered Over Land Dispute in Bihar
5-Year-Old Boy Murdered Over Land Dispute in Bihar
The marks suggest that the child was mercilessly beaten up for hours, police said.

Three people have been arrested for kidnapping and murdering a five-year-old child over a land dispute in Bihar’s Jamui district, police said on Tuesday.  The family of the minor filed a complaint after he was missing since Monday afternoon. The police found the child’s body in a house in the village. The child was murdered on Monday night, police said. The incident occurred in Manpur village under the limits of the Chandradeep police station area of the district.

The police have arrested three accused, including a 23-year-old Suman Thakur, a local. The police said Thakur took the child with him on the pretext of giving him candies on Monday afternoon. The minor’s family members searched but could not find him. Later they filed a missing complaint.

Thakur took the child to his house and then physically assaulted him. Later, he strangled him to death. The body was found on the roof of the house. Several marks of injury with a sharp weapon have been observed on the body. The marks suggest that the child was mercilessly beaten up for hours, police said.

The family members have alleged that Thakur killed the minor at the behest of two villagers, Nandlal Sau and Sandeep, who had a land dispute with the family.  The police have arrested all three.

Chandradeep police station in charge Ashish Kumar said, “A five-year-old child has been murdered over an old land dispute in a village. All the three accused of the case have been arrested. Further action has been initiated.”

The police have recorded the statement of the family members of the child.

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