A fun, cheap way to bust stress
A fun, cheap way to bust stress
You spend less and are refreshed within a short span of time.

Stressed at work? Maybe, a weekend getaway is the perfect antidote for you. You spend a couple of thousands (as opposed the cost of a long vacation), yet, you are refreshed and ready to face the office with a vengeance on a Monday morning.

According to Travel Industry Association's (TIA) U.S, Domestic Leisure Travel Report, a quick weekend getaway is on the rise among Americans. The report states 225 million such trips were taken in 2007 year pointing to an increase of more than 10 percent in just five years.

"This trend will gradually gain momentum in India too, in the coming years," Ashish Sawhney, CEO, Ashex Tourism. Ashex Tourism's customers are a mix of people from all walks of life.

  • You should opt for a weekend getaway if:
  • You have a hectic work schedule, which does not let you plan ahead.
  • Get your mind off work, relax and shed off the extra stress.
  • Rejuvenate your body and mind for the next phase or project in your career.
  • Spend quality time with your family, which looks impossible in a city life, especially with both couples working.
  • Create a better bond with your colleagues or reconnect with old friends.

So, if you think a weekend getaway is for you, here's what you need to keep in mind.

"Don't consider any destination involving more than five hours of travel time. You will be tired and this beats the very purpose of a weekend getaway

The exception is long drives where it's the route and the stop-over points that assume more importance than the actual destination," Vijay Krishnan, Support Engineer from Bangalore, tips us off.



Though it sounds like a big deal, to spend a few thousands for a weekend is really not! To unwind is the key and to choose a locale which gives the best comfort is the basic idea. Yet, have a stand on how much you are willing to spend for a vacation.

If going for a group vacation amongst friends, divide the amount between each equally. If you are travelling with family, it would prove a little more expensive unless you are choosing a budget location. However, the role of budget should not be the real reason to keep your partner or kids from joining you during your break, as they could provide you the real comfort.

The mid-break!

Take a different approach. Probably, you come across a better time other than weekend, utilise it to for holidaying. Amith Surendran, Senior UI designer says, "I still prefer going when I feel like, rather than waiting for the weekend or a long vacation.

I took off in the middle of the week, when the job pressure was low. This helps me to make the sudden trips, unplanned, and also not have the Monday blues on the way back."

Alone, family or friends? The choice is yours. For some young souls living away from their parents in another city, prefer travelling even without letting their family knows. Some prefer to unwind along with their partner and kids or rarely with parents. Travelling in a group, with friends is a popular option.


Travel mode

Love cycling? Consider reaching a distance reachable within three to four hours by cycling. If you like driving, choose a spot reachable within five to six hours.

Bhairav Bharddwaj, an IT professional in mid-20's prefer moving with friends covering 750-1000 kilometers a day! Says Bhairav, "My friends are into racing and to keep up with them, I also move at a high speed."

For instance, if you have a big budget and travelling by air does not seem to be a big deal.

Determine preferences

Choose a location which will help you revitalize and de-stress yourself. If you love tranquil atmosphere, head for the hills or a beach. People used to living in the city often prefer trekking in the woods or a beach resort or the hills. Avoid crowds.

Hobbies If you have a particular hobby you haven’t pursued for a while, convert your holiday time to make a beginning. When you are back home, you would probably then be ready to continue the hobby for good.

Log on to the Internet

With access to the Internet, and many known providers provide online services. Hence booking railway tickets, flight tickets and hotels are easy. Search the Net to spot the best deal and special offers.



- Book your hotels or resorts in advance. Especially if it is season time, getting a hotel room needn't be easy. Also you can avoid wasting time searching for a suitable hotel in a 2 or 3 day programme.

- Pack light. However, whichever travel mode you choose, make sure to carry the necessaries – clothes, bottled water, torch (especially if you are traveling by road), candle and matchbox and so on.

- Keep the itinerary simple. Choose only one place at a time. Small towns and villages are better though you can also choose a big city and be spending a day or two in its beach resort.

- If you want everything arranged and your hands free, opt for a Weekend package tour. This means your travel service provider / agent books the tickets , hotel rooms etc and also get you the best deals which might include breakfast, sight seeing trip etc.

- Let your family also know where you are heading. Do not keep your travel information secretive.

- If you are looking for a little longer vacation, take an extra day off, and extend your holidays to 3 days!

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