Berlin: A star German television presenter and anti-atom activist has offered to spend the night with President Christian Wulff if he blocks a controversial legislation to extend the life span of Germany's 17 nuclear
32-year-old Charlotte Roche, who has won some of Germany's top journalism awards, said she is prepared to have sex with President Christian Wulff if he blocks the controversial legislation of the centre-right government.
"I offer to go to bed with him (Wulff) if he does not sign the legislation," Roche said in an interview to magazine "Der Spiegel". She told the magazine that she had spoken about it with her husband and he has no objections.
The legislation on extending the life of the countries 17 atomic reactors on an average by 12 years beyond the present phasing out deadline of 2020 set by a former government, was passed by the Bundestag, the lower house of
the German Parliament over a week ago.
The government decided that the new legislation does not require an approval by the upper house, the Bundesrat and forwarded it to President Wulff for signing it into law.
The opposition parties, which fiercely oppose the bill, accused the government of deliberately avoiding a vote in the upper house because it has no majority in the house, which is comprised of representatives of the federal states.
The opposition Social Democratic Party, the Green Party and the Left Party charged that the government's action is unconstitutional and urged the president to veto the bill.
Wulff has to decide before the end of this year whether the bill is in compliance with the country's constitution and it has parliamentary legitimacy without a vote in the Bundesrat.
If he signs the legislation into law, it will be very embarrassing for him when the opposition parties carry out heir threat to challenge the government's decision at the nation's highest court. If he blocks the bill, it will be a big setback for Chancellor Merkel and her coalition. Wulff is a member of Merkel's Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
Roche had a sensational TV career since appearing for the first time in 1988 as a moderator at the age of 20. She moderated the music programme "Fast Forward" on the music channel Viva II for several years and received the
Bavarian Film Prize in 2002 for her moderation.
Two years later, she received the Adolf Grimme Prize.
She caused a furore by publishing her book "Wet Areas" with its provocative theme, which became a best-seller.
As a staunch opponent of atomic power, Roche was at the forefront of last week's demonstrations against the transportation of 123 tonnes of highly radioactive nuclear waste from a reprocessing plant in northern France to a
temporary nuclear waste storage site at Gorleben, in northern Germany.
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