Bhopal: Slamming Myanmar government for the Rohingya crisis, Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi on Friday claimed that had it been possible, he would have asked Aung San Suu Kyi to return her Nobel prize.
In Bhopal as part of his Bharat Yatra for making India safer for children, Satyarthi flayed the Sui Kyi-led Myanmar government for the atrocities on Rohingyas saying the treatment was not at par with the ‘human values’.
The Vidisha, around 60km from Bhopal, born Nobel laureate claimed that he was urging the global community for one year and half for restoring rights of Rohingyas and even wrote to United Nations for its intervention. “I am not at all a supporter of Hindu-Muslim disparity, each and every human being should be given due respect,” said the child rights crusader who fights for kids’ rights across the world.
Cutting a sorry figure of convictions in child abuse cases in India, Satyarthi claimed that last year 15,000 people were convicted in child abuse cases but only a paltry 4% saw conviction while 6% were exonerated of the charges for lack of evidences.
Accepting the requirement for sea changes in judiciary to make it more child rights friendly, the Bachpan Bachao Andolan founder supported formation of special courts in every district for dealing with the child rights cases.
“A child rights abuse might take four years for conviction in Madhya Pradesh and there are states where it may take 50 years, so we have bring this down drastically,” he said accepting that he was well aware of high ratio of rape and malnutrition cases in MP and added that he has raised these issues with the state government.
Underlining the need for support against sexual abuse of kids, child labour and crime against children; Satyarthi claimed that he would campaign in 22 states and would travel more than 11,000 km in a bid to raise awareness on these age-old issues kept under wraps for long.
“It’s unfortunate that child rights are still violated so much in the age of fast technology and connectivity,” he said.
Saying that millions of kids globally don’t have access to education and basic amenities, Satyarthi claimed that merely Rs 4,000 cr –4.5 days of world’s military expense, is sufficient to fulfil needs of these deprived kids.
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