BSEB 12th Result 2018 | The Bihar Result 2018, Bihar Board Result 2018 has been declared by the Bihar School Examination Board BSEB on June 6 (today) at 4:15 pm, board officials have confirmed. The Bihar Board Class 12th results 2018, Bihar Result 2018, Bihar Class 12 Arts Result 2018, Bihar Class 12 Commerce Result 2018 and Bihar Class 12 Science Result 2018 has been published on its official website biharboard.ac.in. Earlier, the board was scheduled to announce the Bihar Board result for class 12 on June 7 but as the Dehli University admission will begin from June 7 so they have decided to release the result day before.
The BSEB Bihar School Examination Board conducted the BSEB Inter Examination for the academic year 2017-18 from February 6 and concluded on February 16. Practical examinations were held from 11th January to 25th January, 2018. If the site is not working properly then students can check their Bihar Intermediate Class 12 Result 2018 on these websites as well bihar.indiaresults.com or examresults.net, results.gov.in
How to check Bihar Result 2018, Bihar Board Result 2018
Step 1: Click on the official website biharboard.ac.in
Step 2: Click on the Bihar Intermediate Class 12 Results 2018, Bihar Board Result 2018, Bihar Board Class 12 Results 2018
Step 3: Enter your roll number
Step 4: Your BSEB Class 12 Intermediate results 2018 will appear
Step 5: Click on 'Save' to download the BSEB result 2018
Step 6: Students can take a print out for further reference
Nearly 12,07,986 students appeared for the Bihar Intermediate Class 12 exams at 1,384 centres across the state of Bihar this year.
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