Body language: Does he have the hots for you?
Body language: Does he have the hots for you?
Eight dead giveaways in his body language that tell you he's interested.

A quick glance in your direction, eye contact, a lean toward you; the guy at work has been watching you for weeks now.

His body language tells you that he is interested in you. But is he really?

Savio D'Silva, relationship and marriage counsellor and body language expert says, "There are sure body signs from men that will tell you that they are interested in you."

Some of the most obvious ones are:

No He is Not Crying

If he has dilated pupils (i.e. the dark part of the eye becomes bigger when they see you) they are physically interested in) when he sees you that means he is interested and wants to get to know you.

And His Feet Say…

If his feet, are leaning towards you or facing you when he is in conversation with you then he is deeply interested in you.

Read His Hands!

If his hands are on the table with his palms flat on the table when he is in conversation with you then it is a sign of interest. Infact he uses the table to support himself in case he is nervous while conversing with you.

The Elbow Talk

When both elbows are on the table and he looks into your eyes then he is very interested in you and he tries to convey the message through his eyes too.

Eyes On You

If he maintains 60-80 per cent eye contact when looking at you, then he would really like to get to know you better.

Hmm, Not Sure?

If you catch him staring at you through the corner of your eye and he turns away when you look at him that means he is interested but shy of you.

He wants to talk to you, make contact but is afraid of being rejected.


Belly Boy

You find him sucking in his belly every time you pass by? Well then he does want to make a good impression on you and want to seem as attractive as possible when you are around.

A sure sign of interest, he wants to get to know you.

Itchy Chin? No, It is Not

He is talking to you and then he strokes his chin ever so slowly. He could be thinking you think. Yes thinking about asking you out.

Varkha Chulani, clinical psychologist and psychotherapist says, "Besides body language it depends on how the man treats you. The age old saying 'Actions speak louder than words' holds true."

Plan of 'Action'

Besides the body language, his actions too will tell you of his intentions. If you find that he goes out his way when you are ill, is over concerned about what time you get home, gets you some soup when you are ill and asks if you've had your meals on time then he is not just caring, he is looking out for you.

Hold That Thought

Savio D'Silva says that even though his body language may say the above, you need to look at two or three of these actual signs to confirm his interest.

Besides the number of signs you need to see if this behaviour is continuous. If it is a one-off thing then you could be reading too much into it.

So look out for the signs. He may not have said anything yet but his body is doing the talking.

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