DJing is like any other job
DJing is like any other job
Says Bangalore-based DJ Sasha, calling it a full-time occupation that requires hard work and sincerity like any other proper and permanent job

For DJ Sasha, taking up the job of spinning music professionally was a much easier choice than for most people. “I have always been in the entertainment industry. I used to do modeling when I was in college and for me, it was easier to choose DJing over modeling than for someone who has had to choose music over a regular job,” he says.

The Bangalore-based DJ, who was in the city to get the party started at Bike and Barrel, The Residency Towers, with some of his signature electronic versions of retro music, insists that choosing music as a career is a choice he will never regret. “But DJing is like any other full-time job. You have to work hard and be sincere. You can’t just look at it like a cool job, but as a proper, permanent job,” he warns.

The fact that spinning music is well on its way to becoming a recognised full-time career makes Sasha a happy man. DJ courses are a great thing, he says. But there is so much more to DJing than just knowing how to play music, he insists. “First of all, you need to be passionate about your music. And you definitely need to have a good knowledge of the many genres of music. You should most importantly have the skill of gauging what the crowd wants,” he explains.

Having previously played in Chennai, Sasha compares the city with his hometown in terms of night life. “People tend to get too commercial (with respect to music) and fallback on popular music. They know they’ve heard it before, so they want to listen to it again,” he says. “So I try to give them a bit of both when I’m playing – I also play pop music, things that they are familiar with, and some new stuff to add a fresh flavour,” he adds.

Apart from his ability to seamlessly mix various genres of music and provide them with his own original twist, Sasha is also known for his knack to knock out ramp music for fashion shows. Having worked with top-notch fashion designers including Manish Malhotra and Rohit Bal, Sasha says ramp music is where adaptability and creativity comes in. “If you make even one tiny mistake while playing for a fashion show, unlike in a club, it is magnified and instantly noticeable,” he says.

Few years ago, Sasha began work on his debut album, but didn’t go ahead to pursue it. “I soon realised that it might not be a market I want to get into,” he says, adding that currently, his focus, apart from playing his seven to eight gigs a month, is on his event management company.

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