Lucknow: In a bizarre incident, authorities in Jalaun district of Uttar Pradesh held eight donkeys in custody in an unused juvenile prison for four days. Their crime? They ate expensive plants brought by the jail authorities for beautification of the premises.
They were let off on Monday night after a BJP leader recommended their release.
Officials said that the owner of the donkeys was warned to keep them away from the plants a number of times, so when he again let them loose near the Orai juvenile jail, the donkeys were detained.
Officials said plants worth Rs 2 lakh were destroyed.
“These donkeys had destroyed some very expensive plants which our senior officer had arranged for planting inside jail. Despite warnings the owner let loose his animals here so we detained the donkeys,” head constable RK Mishra said.
Speaking to media, senior jail official SR Sharma said the donkeys had even entered his home. “So, we decided to keep them till the owner came and picked them up. We detained them to find the actual owner, so that we could scold him and ask him to make sure it didn’t happen again,” he said.
The owner of the ‘culprit’ donkeys, one Kamlesh, however said he had pleaded for their release many times. “I ran from pillar to post to get my donkeys released from the jail but nothing worked. At the end I approached a BJP leader and he helped me in getting my donkeys released after four days.”
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