E-mails ideal to spread office gossip
E-mails ideal to spread office gossip
According to a new study, one in five Brits uses email just to gossip to desk buddies about work colleagues.

London: Office huddles are passé now, as one in five Brits uses e-mail to gossip to desk buddies about other fellow employees.

Britain's offices are now silent as e-mail replaces conversation, according to a new study.

The average office now sends 3,840 e-mails from work every year the equivalent of 1,58,064 messages over a typical working lifetime.

Almost half of workers admitted they e-mail the person sitting next to them to avoid making verbal contact. Yet one in five Brits uses email just to gossip to desk buddies about work colleagues.

The poll of 2,000 office workers was conducted by staffing specialists The Corporate Services Group PLC.

One in 10 office staff said they accidentally sent a rude e-mail to the wrong person - with the team manager being the most common target reports the Daily Mail.

This means that 37 per cent of all e-mails sent by office workers are of a personal nature. And this figure excludes round-robin jokes or virals popping into workers' inboxes around the country.

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