New Delhi: An audio clip in Malayalam, allegedly originating from the Islamic State, has surfaced on messaging application Telegram calling for war on India, specifically mentioning terror attacks on the Kumbh Mela and Thrissur pooram, which see huge footfall annually.
The voice in the 10-minute video is said to be of Rashid Abdullah, the alleged leader of the IS module in Kasaragod who had left the country to join IS in Afghanistan. The audio clip quotes Quran and claims that it is the 50th such clip from Daulatul Islam.
The clip has come at a time when the Kerala police have claimed that about 100 people from the state have joined the IS. The evidence, reports cited, was the various clips and messages from WhatsApp and Telegram, among other social media applications.
The recent clip calls on Muslims to migrate from Darul Kufr to Darul Islam. It further says that if that is not possible, “people must financially support Daulatul Islam and the IS.” As regards the terror attack, the clip says, “Use your intellect. Poison them in food. Use trucks, drive over them at Thrissur pooram and Kumbh Mela. IS Mujahideen are doing it across the world.”
The clip has made clear references to the Las Vegas shooting where, the clip claims, “one of our supporters killed many people at a music concert. At least, one should try and derail a train or use a knife.”
The clip also says that efforts were on to end the IS and that they, indeed, have been reduced to nothing in various parts of the world. “Daulat Islam is active and will fight till the last standing man,” the clip adds.
Soon after the clip surfaced, Kerala DGP Loknath Behera told CNN-News18 that the same was being investigated.
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