Jagadish Chandra Bose Birth Anniversary: Here are 10 Interesting Facts About Scientist
Jagadish Chandra Bose Birth Anniversary: Here are 10 Interesting Facts About Scientist
Jagadish Chandra Bose wanted to go to England to compete for the Indian Civil Service but his father cancelled the plan as he wanted his son to be a scholar.

One of India's foremost biophysicist, botanist and physicist, Sir Jagadhish Chandra Bose was born on November 30, 1858. Often considered to be the father of Bengali Science Fiction, he laid the foundations of experimental science in the Indian subcontinent and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) named him one of the fathers of radio science. A professor of physics at the Presidency College, he even made a number of discoveries related to plant physiology as well.

On the scientist and author's 161st birth anniversary, here's looking at a few interesting facts about him.

Jagadish Chandra Bose wanted to go to England to compete for the Indian Civil Service but his father cancelled the plan as he wanted his son to be a scholar.

He received a BA from the University of Cambridge, a BSc from the University of London and a DSc from the university College London.

He married Abala Bose, a renowned feminist and social worker.

Jagadish Chandra Bose is also the father of Bengali science fiction. In 1896, he wrote Niruddesher Kahini, which was one of the first works of Bengali Science fiction.

One of his biggest contributions was the demonstration of the electrical nature of the conduction of various stimuli in plants, which were earlier thought to be of chemical nature.

He was also the first to study the action of microwaves in plant tissue.

Bose was the first to use a semi-conductor junction to detect radio waves and invented various now-commonplace microwave components.

He invented the crescograph, a device for measuring the growth of plants. It also measured plant response to various stimuli.

He constructed automatic recorders which can register extremely slight movements in plants like when they quiver if injured. Bose interpreted them as power of feeling.

The biophysicist, botanist and archaeologist have a crater on the moon named after him. Bose is a lunar impact crater that is located in the southern sphere hemisphere of the moon.

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