London: The most common sin for women is pride, while for men, the urge for sex surpasses that for food, a Vatican report states.
The Catholic survey was based on a study of confessions carried out by Fr Roberto Busa, a 95-year-old Jesuit scholar, reports the BBC.
The Pope's personal theologian backed the report in the Vatican newspaper.
"Men and women sin in different ways," Msgr Wojciech Giertych, theologian to the papal household, wrote in L'Osservatore Romano.
"When you look at vices from the point of view of the difficulties they create you find that men experiment in a different way from women."
Msgr Giertych said the most difficult sin for men to face was lust, followed by gluttony, sloth, anger, pride, envy and greed.
For women, the most dangerous sins were pride, envy, anger, lust and sloth, he added.
Traditionally, the seven deadly sins were considered: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth.
The Apostolic Penitentiary, one of the Vatican's most secretive departments, which fixes the punishments and indulgences handed down to sinners, last year updated its list of deadly sins to include more modern ones.
The revised list included seven modern sins it said were becoming prevalent during an era of "unstoppable globalisation".
These included: genetic modification, experiments on the person, environmental pollution, taking or selling illegal drugs, social injustice, causing poverty and financial greed.
The report came amid Vatican concerns about the declining rate of confessions.
A recent survey of Catholics found nearly a third no longer considered confession necessary, while one in 10 considered the process an obstacle to their dialogue with god.
Pope Benedict, who reportedly confesses his sins once a week, last year issued his own voice of disquiet on the subject.
"We are losing the notion of sin," he said. "If people do not confess regularly, they risk slowing their spiritual rhythm."
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