Prevention Against Coronavirus Costing Too Much? Here's How You Can Make Your Own Sanitiser At Home
Prevention Against Coronavirus Costing Too Much? Here's How You Can Make Your Own Sanitiser At Home
Several news reports claimed that stores in Delhi are running out of hand sanitisers and masks while others are selling them at an exorbitant price.

With the new cases of coronavirus coming to the fore in India, people are in a state of panic mode to get hold off masks and hand sanitiser.

The government on Wednesday confirmed that the number of coronavirus cases in country have risen to 28. Health minister Harsh Vardhan said that 16 Italian tourists were among those infected. The minister added that all international passengers will be screened at the airports.

Several news reports claimed that stores in Delhi are running out of hand sanitisers and masks while others are selling them at an exorbitant price. The World Health Organization (WHO) has already said only sanitisers containing at least 60 per cent alcohol are effective against viruses.

In case you are finding it difficult to buy hand sanitisers, then you have the option of preparing them at your home. Here’s how.

Step 1) Take 2/3 cup of isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol and 1/3 cup of aloe vera gel. If there’s no rubbing alcohol, you can use vodka too.

Step 2) Next thing you need is essential oils such as lavender or tea tree.

Step 3) You need a bowl, spoon and an empty container to put the sanitiser into it.

Step 4) Put the isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel in the bowl and then stir

Step 5) Now add 8-10 drops of the essential oil to the mixture. Put it in a container and close it properly.

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