Split in IMA over quota issue
Split in IMA over quota issue
Close on the heels of a division in the AIIMS faculty on the quota issue, cracks have appeared in the Indian Medical Association.

New Delhi: Close on the heels of a division in the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) faculty on the quota issue, cracks have appeared in the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

Though the IMA has been supporting the quota protestors, the doctors belonging to backward classes have set up a new body to favour the Government's reservation proposal.

Indian National Medical Association, the new "apolitical" group, accused some doctors from the forward classes of dominating the medical body.

They alleged these doctors were politically motivated in flaring up the anti-reservation agitation.

"If the Constitution has the provision of reservation to uplift the SC/ST and backward clases, then why are these doctors opposing it," asked President of the newly-setup group, Dr S P Singh.

"Reservation is needed to give social justice to backward groups," he said adding that those who are opposing reservation should go to villages to get a real picture of the country.

The group also said that while a lot of noise was being made on the issue of merit, no body questioned the merit of those who get admissions in medical colleges by paying capitation fee.

"Scientifically, it has been proven that genetics contributes only 10 per cent to intelligence while 90 per cent is contributed by environment," Singh said adding that the government's move would benefit unprivileged classes.

The group demands the reservation for OBCs in proportion to their population, that is, 55 per cent in all educational institutes, General Secretary of the group Dr U K Chowdhary said.

The group said it would ensure that "unconstitutional" agitation was not supported by IMA.

The reservation policy was being followed by almost all states while a big agitation had been flared up for central institutes, it added.

Singh condemened the doctors in the IMA for being silent on the issue of violence committed against pro-reservationist medicos in Patna while the same doctors had spoken against violence committed on anti-reservation agitatonists in Mumbai.

The Indian National Medical Association also announced that it was planning to organise a "maha rally" on June 4, which would be joined by doctors from all over the country to show the solidarity on the issue.

Terming resignation of two members of the Knowledge Commission as "shameful", the group demanded scrappng of the commission saying it was not aware of the reality of the Indian society.

A group of senior faculty doctors at had come forward in support of reservation for backward classes last week.

Progressive sections in both the faculty and resident doctors associations of AIIMS are in support of the quota, the Medicos Forum for Equal Opportunity, the group in AIIMS, said.

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