SSC MTS Recruitment 2016 Document Verification process has begun and the list of shortlisted candidates has been released by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) on its official website – ssc.nic.in.
The list of candidates for document verification has been made considering the Merit of candidates in Paper-I and their preference of State/UT in the application form. Meanwhile the evaluation of SSC MTS 2016 Paper-II Answer Sheets is under process. Around 1,43,657 candidates had appeared for the Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Recruitment 2016 Paper-II, which was conducted on 28th January 2018, last month.
As per the official notification released by SSC for MTS 2016 selection process, the Commission will select candidates for each State/UT on the basis of their scores in Paper-I, subject to qualifying the standards fixed for Paper-II viz minimum qualifying marks of 17.5 i.e. 35% for UnReserved category candidates and 16.5 i.e. 33% for reserved categories. The qualifying marks in Paper-II are uniform for States and Union Territories.
Candidates can read through the official notification at the below mentioned url:
How to download MTS Recruitment 2016 Shortlisted Candidates’ list?
Step 1 - Visit the official website – http://ssc.nic.in
Step 2 - Click on the notification that reads, Recruitment to the post of Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff in Different States and Union Territories, 2016 - Candidates shortlisted for appearing in Document Verification
Step 3 - Click on ‘click here’ given under Result
Step 4 - CTRL+F with your Roll Number and Search
Step 5 - Download the pdf and take a printout for further reference
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