The Staff Selection Commission, Government Of India has released a tentative results calendar for the recently conducted various SSC Exams on its official website ssc.nic.in.
As per the notification, the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Examination 2017 (Tier-I) result is expected to be announced on October 31st 2017. Candidates who had appeared for the SSC CGL Tier I exam can visit the official website on the above mentioned dates and check their result.
The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) of India had conducted the Combined Level Graduate (CGL) Tier I exam from August 5th to 24th this year. The Answer Keys of the same are expected to be released on 18th of September, next month.
Approximately 15,43,962 candidates had appeared for the Tier I 2017 examinations that were held across 43 centers in India. The exam pattern for Tier I exam is as follows –
Total 100 questions in the Tier I exam paper are divided into 4 categories namely – General Awareness, Reasoning, Mathematics and English with 25 questions in each category. Each right answer carries 2 marks and for each wrong answer 0.5 marks is deducted.
The Staff Service Commission of India conducts Combined Graduate Level - SSC CGL exams every year for the recruitment of non-technical Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ non-gazetted posts in various Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations of the Government of India.
Candidates who clear SSC CGL Tier I exam shall be eligible for Tier II exam. The SSC CGL Tier-II Exam will be conducted on November 10th and 11th later this year while the SSC CGL Tier-III Exam will be conducted on January 21st 2018.
To access the Tentative Results Calendar for SSC Click on the below URL: http://ssc.nic.in/SSC_WEBSITE_LATEST/notice/notice_pdf/STATUS30082017.pdf
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