The (second to) Last of the Mohicans
The (second to) Last of the Mohicans
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsBorgub is a Nordic stone goddess (no, not troll!) Goddess, or god, even, why bother with gender when you're divine. But unfortunately Borgub's Lair is no longer the fjords of yore, but the mean streets of the original sin city, that is Delhi...
So Borgub watches and notices things and gets blown away every once in a while. (Very difficult thing to do, blow away a goddess of stone, but you know how it is!) Every so often the goddess will share these tidbits with the mere mortals and invite feedback. Like the problem with the language impediment. Many of us have really no excuse when it comes to supposed "mother tongues". I mean if you're grating on someone's ears with your spoken Hindi (which is otherwise such a mellifluous then you know you have issues. I really do. And it's the worst in those auto-rickshaw rides, where I probably come across as the MOST sullen passenger. Even when I'm being regaled with the most fascinating stories on the human condition, or plain old gossip, it's hard to convey intense interest with the few fillers in my vocab. Even the most die-hard chat-aholic auto-wallah gives up eventually. Or if he doesn't, he quickly shoots off into a realm that is incomprehensible to me, for the most part. I'll think he's talking about life across the border, when he's actually talking of his tragic family life. (Sigh, it's hard being me!) A real pity, coz you hear such fascinating stuff, I'm told... So that's one impediment.
Then my sister dearest just forwarded me an absolutely APT article on how lack of conviction is infesting our speech. From "you knows" that we totally don't need, to everything ending in a question, you know? Like we're all driven by this need for approval? Like I can't be sure you agree with me, but please say you still like me if I talk to you in this cutesy tone? And never put a definite punto final at the end of anything...
ARGH that's aggravating. Let's try and have a little more STUFF to say...I mean we're so busy blowing smoke out our own behinds usually, that it's no surprise really, that we try to distance ourselves from what we say, but hello, about time...don't you think?About the AuthorAmrita Tripathi Amrita Tripathi is a news anchor with CNN-IBN, and also doubles up as Health and Books Editor. An MA in Philosophy from St Stephen's College, Delhi Un...Read Morefirst published:January 12, 2006, 12:15 ISTlast updated:January 12, 2006, 12:15 IST 
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Borgub is a Nordic stone goddess (no, not troll!) Goddess, or god, even, why bother with gender when you're divine. But unfortunately Borgub's Lair is no longer the fjords of yore, but the mean streets of the original sin city, that is Delhi...

So Borgub watches and notices things and gets blown away every once in a while. (Very difficult thing to do, blow away a goddess of stone, but you know how it is!) Every so often the goddess will share these tidbits with the mere mortals and invite feedback. Like the problem with the language impediment. Many of us have really no excuse when it comes to supposed "mother tongues". I mean if you're grating on someone's ears with your spoken Hindi (which is otherwise such a mellifluous then you know you have issues. I really do. And it's the worst in those auto-rickshaw rides, where I probably come across as the MOST sullen passenger. Even when I'm being regaled with the most fascinating stories on the human condition, or plain old gossip, it's hard to convey intense interest with the few fillers in my vocab. Even the most die-hard chat-aholic auto-wallah gives up eventually. Or if he doesn't, he quickly shoots off into a realm that is incomprehensible to me, for the most part. I'll think he's talking about life across the border, when he's actually talking of his tragic family life. (Sigh, it's hard being me!) A real pity, coz you hear such fascinating stuff, I'm told... So that's one impediment.

Then my sister dearest just forwarded me an absolutely APT article on how lack of conviction is infesting our speech. From "you knows" that we totally don't need, to everything ending in a question, you know? Like we're all driven by this need for approval? Like I can't be sure you agree with me, but please say you still like me if I talk to you in this cutesy tone? And never put a definite punto final at the end of anything...

ARGH that's aggravating. Let's try and have a little more STUFF to say...I mean we're so busy blowing smoke out our own behinds usually, that it's no surprise really, that we try to distance ourselves from what we say, but hello, about time...don't you think?

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