Three Tested Positive as Cases of Dengue Fever Rise in Tiruchirappalli
Three Tested Positive as Cases of Dengue Fever Rise in Tiruchirappalli
The Public Health Department in the district has also begun a prevention drive and is tracking fever cases and consolidating a list every night.

A 64-year-old man was admitted with dengue-positive symptoms to Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital (MGMGH) in Tamil Nadu’s Tiruchirappalli on Sunday.

Meanwhile, two more patients with dengue symptoms are currently undergoing treatment in private hospitals in the district, The Hindu reported.

In the backdrop of a spike in fever cases in the city, the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Government Hospital has opened a special outpatient ward to deal with the situation. The special ward has a makeshift lab and pharmacy. It is also equipped with a hydration trolley, equipped with nilavembu kashayam, rice congee and oral rehydration solution (ORS).

The condition of the patient from Woraiyur is stated to be stable. Arshiya Begum, dean in-charge, MGMGH said, “Around 84 patients were tested at the special fever outpatient ward on Saturday. The number of patients admitted with a fever as on Saturday was 28, of which 16 were males and 12 females.”

Meanwhile, the Public Health Department in the district has also begun a prevention drive and is tracking fever cases and consolidating a list every night. The department has appointed 650 workers to inspect houses, water bodies and ensure fogging is done regularly.

The spike in the number has been observed following the arrival of monsoon. In MGMGH, the number of patients with ordinary fever has drastically increased from 20 to more than 80 cases a day.

Dr Subramani, Deputy Director, Health department, said, “Three dengue-positive cases, including the one person admitted to MGMGH and two others in private hospitals have been under treatment in the district. As the patients have been diagnosed in the early stages, they are all now in stable condition.”

Dr Kamaraj, District Siddha Officer and District Drug Officer, said, “There has been an increase in sales of fake Nilavembu powders in retail markets. Using such fake powders does not serve the purpose.” He also advised people to approach district Siddha centres to obtain Nilavembu powders free of cost.

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