Time for soccer and samba in Brazil
Time for soccer and samba in Brazil
With the World Cup just over a month away, Brazil is getting into the mood to enjoy one of the biggest sporting extravaganza.

New Delhi: The football world cup fever has started and the first place it has hit is Brazil.

Businesses in Brazil are cashing in on the craze that grips their country once every four years.

Brazil is in the grip of soccer mania and a bit of samba.

Manufacturers in Brazil are using the vivid colors of the Brazilian flag in order to increase sales of everything that can be bought.

Stores are running out of the official Brazilian jersey.

Even an underwear factory in the state of Rio de Janeiro has decided to catch on to the fever.

"Just like carnival, soccer is in the Brazilian consumer's blood, Every World Cup year, Brazil lives a lot the competition, because of the belief that we have a lot of potential in soccer. That makes Brazilian women want to dress, even in Brazilian (themed) clothes," factory manager Neucileia Loyola says.

"It's (the underwear) all ready to go with the dress that I bought for my daughter. At my house everyone is very enthusiastic. Brazil will be world champion, I'm sure," Loyola adds.

Businessowners in Brazil expect profit to be four times greater than that of last June and July.

Street vendors are also cashing in on the craze and the streets of Rio de Janeiro are lined with everything from horns to wigs to sell to fans.

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