Virginia Tech shooter, a disturbed mind?
Virginia Tech shooter, a disturbed mind?
Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung Hui’s plays contain chilling words, which help explain the uneasy state of his mind.

New Delhi: The two plays written by the Virginia Tech shooter, Cho Seung Hui contain chilling words from the 23-year-old student.

Cho, an English major, wrote the works for a playwriting class. Both the plays contain graphic passages about plans to kill a main character.

Cho had come to law enforcement's attention before - for stalking another student last year in person and on e-mail, according to investigators.

Government officials said he had a history of mental illness.

In an interview with CNN's Jim Acosta, a professor who taught Cho described him as depressed, urged him to see a counselor, and warned the University about him.

“There were several of us in English who became concerned when we had him in class. I was deeply concerned myself,” says Virginia Tech English Professor, Lucinda Roy.

But other students in his dormitory said they had noticed nothing unusual.

He was just an average college student I guess. I didn't notice anything different,” says a Virginia Tech Student, Timothy Johnson.

Cho came to the US from Korea at the age of eight, and graduated from Westfield high school near Centreville, Virginia. He was always a loner and never interacted with his fellow students.

(With inputs from Jeanne Meserve in Virginia Tech)

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