All those late nights have contributed to your company's healthy bottomline. The 6 am exercise wakeup calls have brought down his cholesterol to a healthy level.
Your little one's rosy pink cheeks and lively disposition keeps your mind at ease.
But what about you? When was the last time you got a routine medical done? Sure, you may look great and feel fine, but is that really enough?
Be it physical, emotional or sexual wellness… India's leading health and fitness experts agree that women always tend to place themselves last.
"Early detection is the key."
- Gynaecologist, Dr. Kiran Coelho
"It is very important for you to get the essential gynaec and medical tests done. Starting from your twenties, you need to get the basic tests such as Pap smear, breast exam, pelvic exam, etc. done. As you grow older, you will have to check for other conditions such as thyroid, stones in the kidney and gall bladder, etc.
Early detection is the key. It will help in quick treatment and could save you a lot of further complications and complex treatments."
"Keep your mind occupied."
- Dietician Sushila Sharangdhan
"Most women feel guilty about wasting food. So they eat what's left over from their kids' plates. We don't realise it but this makes you put on weight and is a serious concern right now. Also, there isn't enough time to exercise.
Besides this, I find that women are stressed out at work and are lonely. To cope, you tend to emotionally overeat. The solution is to keep yourself distracted by taking a walk, reading a book, watching TV or even taking up a hobby. Find something that will keep your mind occupied and help you relax.
In older women, iron deficiency and osteoporosis is a major concern. The symptoms for most women-related diseases are similar. You must be aware of these symptoms and visit your doctor, even with the slightest problem like fatigue."
"Exercise during pregnancy!"
- Gynaecologist, Dr. Rishma Dhillon Pai
"Among all of life's stages, a woman usually takes the most care during her pregnancy. i.e.: As far as diet and medication goes. However, exercise during pregnancy is a bit of a concern area due to lack of awareness in India.
Most women believe that bed rest is necessary during pregnancy. But this isn't true. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for you while pregnant. Besides this, do exercises that strengthen the back and pelvic muscles. These help with common ailments during pregnancy and even with childbirth.
About six weeks after delivery, you could do ab exercises to tone your abdominal muscles.
However, every pregnancy is unique. So consult your gynaecologist about the kind of exercises that are advisable for you."
"Believe that you matter…"
- Clinical Psychologist, Varkha Chulani
"In India, women are taught to be a good daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother… everything but how to be an individual who values herself.
I urge women to start valuing themselves. You have to believe that you matter. Only then will you be able to spot anything that's going wrong with your emotional or physical health. And in this way, you will be able to care for yourself better."
"It could happen to you."
- Gynaecologist, Dr. Hemangi Jerajani
"Most women in urban India are aware of the routine tests that need to be done but don't implement this knowledge. Just because you look healthy doesn't mean it couldn't happen to you.
Being a breast cancer survivor myself, I urge all women to get a Breast Exam and a mammography done. Early detection can help save you a lot of trouble, as treatment is easier.
Remember, it is worth doing these tests once in a while. They just might save your life."
"Use it or lose it!"
- Sexologist, Dr. Rajan Bhonsle
"Either you use it or lose it… this rule applies to physical, emotional and sexual health. You have to let your body function like it is supposed to or it will give up on you. So make time for sex before you lose interest and find it difficult to enjoy it."
"Also, women tend to place their partner's needs before theirs. But remember, he is your husband, not your child. It is okay to think about yourself, without feeling guilty."
"Women are born superior."
- Holistic Guru and Health Expert, Mickey Mehta
"While trying to balance a career and family, a woman tends to neglect her diet, sleep and overall health. And like body, like mind… unhealthy habits make you more irritable and stressed out.
Women have lost their natural essence of being a caregiver. Now, they are less emotional and more practical. They are constantly trying to prove themselves to men in the professional sphere. What they don't realise is that they have nothing to prove; women are born superior. They have the power to create and give life after all. And nothing can replace that.
Having a career is fine but you need to be less aggressive about it. All women need to unwind… find yourself through meditation and yoga."
So there you have it... from the experts themselves. For once, place your wellbeing before everything else. Get those medicals done, unwind. Here's to a healthy you!
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