Rain Scarcity Hits Paddy Cultivation in West Bengal; Farmers Advised to Opt for Alternatives
Rain Scarcity Hits Paddy Cultivation in West Bengal; Farmers Advised to Opt for Alternatives
According to the sources of the Agriculture Department, the Agriculture Department has started giving pulses and mustard seeds to the uncultivated lands. Along with this, a plan is being taken to bring forward “rabi” cultivation

Paddy cultivation has reduced in about three lakh hectares of land in the state due to scarcity of rain. West Bardhaman district has the least cultivation amongst all. Many lands are left uncultivated in Birbhum, Murshidabad, Bankura and Purulia, farmers are advised to do alternative farming in these lands.

According to the sources of the Agriculture Department, the Agriculture Department has started giving pulses and mustard seeds to the uncultivated lands. Along with this, a plan is being taken to bring forward “rabi” cultivation.

At Burdwan, Agriculture Minister Shobhandev Chattopadhyay said that due to lack of rain, paddy production has decreased in about 3 lakh hectares of land. Last year, Aman and Aush paddy was cultivated in 42 lakh hectares of land in the state. This time about 39 lakh hectares of land has been cultivated. Earlier of this season rain was very deficient. However, it has been possible to fill most of that deficit in the later period. The agriculture department is providing seeds worth 10.5 crores for alternative cultivation in those lands where paddy has not grown. Later, due to minimum rain, paddy grew in many fields.

It has been possible to reach much closer to the target level in East Bardhaman district, which is known as the grain storehouse of the state. However, in West Bardhaman district, 57 percent of the land could not grow paddy. 40 percent of the land in Birbhum has also remain uncultivated. In Murshidabad, 30 percent of the land could not be cultivated. In Purulia too, 31 percent of land has remained out of paddy cultivation due to lack of water. Bankura district has 22 percent uncultivated land. Around 6 hectares land in East Bardhaman district has not witnessed paddy cultivation this season.

Emphasis is being placed on sesame cultivation and vegetable cultivation on fallow lands. According to the Agriculture Department, the situation was very problematic initially due to lack of water. However, with limited amount of rain later, it’s very close to target. The lands where paddy was not grown are being brought under alternative cultivation.

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