5 Reasons You Should Avoid Excess Consumption Of Tea During Monsoon
5 Reasons You Should Avoid Excess Consumption Of Tea During Monsoon
As per reports, an individual should stick to drinking 3 to 4 cups of tea a day.

Billions of people around the world, especially in our country, prefer to start their day with a cup of tea. It soothes the minds and prepares them for the day ahead. Drinking too much tea during the rainy season can prove to be very harmful. As per reports, an individual should stick to drinking 3 to 4 cups of tea a day. Consuming more than 710 ml to 950 ml could lead to a number of negative effects on the body.

Here are some side effects that are related to its consumption during monsoon.

Effect on iron absorption:

Too much tea can become a cause for iron deficiency in the body. It contains a compound which ends up binding to the iron element in some foods, making it unavailable for absorption. This could lead to the condition of anaemia.

Increased anxiety and stress:

According to the website, an average tea cup may contain 11 mg to 61 mg of caffeine. So, overconsumption of the drink can cause anxiety, restlessness and stress. Especially the black tea, it is believed to have the highest amount of caffeine.

Lack of sleep:

Due to the presence of caffeine in tea, consuming it before bed can cause sleeplessness or disrupt your sleep cycle. As per some research, caffeine can hinder the production of the hormone responsible for sleep.


If you drink tea on an empty stomach, you have a risk of experiencing nausea. Especially if it is taken in huge quantities. The stomach may suffer indigestion because of the compound tannins in the tea, which can lead to nausea or stomach ache.


Caffeine in the tea can also be responsible for heartburn or the condition of acid reflux. Research says that caffeine could affect the sphincter that divides the oesophagus from your stomach. This condition can cause easy flow of the stomach’s acidic content to the oesophagus. Furthermore, it can also cause the stomach to produce higher levels of acid.

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