Learn How Your Microbiome Can Help Manage Chronic Disorders
Learn How Your Microbiome Can Help Manage Chronic Disorders
As science advances, the gut microbiome holds remarkable promise in pulling patients out of danger by preventing and reversing the trajectory of chronic diseases

Chronic disorders like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer have placed an immense burden on healthcare, with non-communicable diseases responsible for 63% of deaths worldwide. Emerging research suggests that the gut microbiome —trillions of microorganisms in our digestive system—could be a game-changer in managing and reversing these conditions.

Recent studies have added compelling evidence that your microbiome can predict your risk of chronic disease better than genetics for conditions like type-2 diabetes, hypertension, and certain cancers. Restoring microbial balance in the gut has already been demonstrated to have incredibly beneficial effects on health. For example, in patients with severe obesity, altering the gut microbiome through probiotic therapy reduced weight and improved insulin sensitivity, preventing the onset of diabetes.

Dr Palok Aich, Director, MicrobioTx, Dean of R&D at NISER, Bhubaneshwar, says, “The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in drug efficacy as well. In cancer treatment, certain gut bacteria improve the success of immunotherapy, while imbalances may lead to sub-optimal response. This life-saving potential extends to drugs like Metformin, where a healthy microbiome optimizes the drug’s effectiveness.”

The good news is that one can alter microbiome profile easily unlike our genetic makeup, which is a formidable and not-so-easy task. “One of the most transformative advancements is using Gut Function Tests and personal probiotics to profile the microbiome and target the imbalance of harmful and beneficial microbes. These interventions can dramatically reduce disease risks, offering a tailored approach to restoring health,” shares Dr Aich.

As science advances, the gut microbiome holds remarkable promise in pulling patients out of danger by preventing and reversing the trajectory of chronic diseases. By focusing on microbial health, we can unlock new strategies for restoring health and combating the growing burden of chronic disorders.

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