Separate Beds Can Help Your Relationship Last Longer, Says Study
Separate Beds Can Help Your Relationship Last Longer, Says Study
A survey, which has been conducted by a mattress company, showed that one out of six couples resorted to sleeping apart not because they cannot stand each other, but because they want to have a good night’s sleep.

Separate beds aren’t a sign of marital strife, but are a key to better health and a happier relationship, stated a survey.

The survey, which has been conducted by a mattress company, showed that one out of six couples resorted to sleeping apart not because they cannot stand each other, but because they want to have a good night’s sleep.

Dr Neil Stanley, who has been conducting sleep research for the last 35 years, was quoted by Daily Mail saying ‘I am the world’s leading advocate of separate beds.’

Dr Stanley, in the year 2005, had co-authored a study in which couples wore a device while sleeping and that device monitored waking and motion, said a report published in Daily Mail.

The results showed that when one partner stirred, the other did, too, the report added.

As a result, according to Dr Stanley, a third of your sleep disturbance is caused by your partner. Improper sleep can impact your physical health as well as the health of your relationship, he added.

Another research has claimed that people, who sleep less have higher rates of divorce.

“Poor sleep affects your performance, relationships, increases your risk of accidents and, in the longterm, is associated with an increase in weight, type 2 diabetes and depression. Sleep is vitally important, and there is no reason to compromise it for the sake of an unscientific social construct of sleeping together,” Dr Stanley added.

A book, published earlier this year, explained that sharing a bed was not something that people are willing to do. The book further elaborated that the upper-class society prefers to have separate bedrooms for long-lasting relationship.

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