Skipping breakfast? Not a healthy idea for youngsters
Skipping breakfast? Not a healthy idea for youngsters

Skipping breakfast to lose weight is not a good idea. It can backfire. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, can actually make losing weight a difficult task. People who skip breakfast are likely to eat more food than usual on their next meal, or even munching high calorie snacks to curb hunger. The dieticians suggest that people are likely gain more body fat when they eat heavier meals than fewer and frequent meals in a day.

Why young generation needs breakfast

After the morning alarm rings, the sleepy kid rolls over and snoozes the alarm and dozes off again. By the time the kids wakes up and gets ready for the school, the rushing to catch the school bus begins. What they miss over there is their important healthy breakfast.

If you are running short of time, eating a quick wholesome and nutritious breakfast will save you a lot a time. Your body needs to recharge your brain, one feels energetic the whole day and it avoids you being lousy. Morning meal even helps you in eating lighter meals the rest of the day, hence, faster metabolism.

Adults usually require eating breakfast to kick start their day, younger people need it even more. Young children need breakfast to for their growing bodies and developing brains and need refueling often. If kids skip their breakfast their body doesn't get the essential energy required by their body to perform their daily energetic chores. They feel lousy all the day that might even become hindrance in their academic performance.

Recent studies depict that kids who skip their breakfast fall sick easily than who eat their breakfast every day on a regular basis. To lure your children to eat and finish their breakfast, preparing a good meal is easy and quick. A healthy smoothie, seasonal fruits or flavored oatmeal will attract them to eat it and keep them from starving till the next meal. Some people even pack breakfast for their children on their way to school.

Weight gain and obesity are the major health concerns that are faced by most of the people at present. Food experts are in favor that pushing your kids on breakfast table and making them eat is important. Not eating breakfast can lead to serious health issues like, diabetes and heart diseases in the longer run. So, how are you supposed to make your kid eat his morning meal?

Parents can begin with initiating a rule of early bedtime, which will ensure that your kid will get up in time and will have enough time to eat breakfast leisurely. Make breakfast a priority for everyone. Ideally, the whole family should sit together and eat breakfast to motivate the children. It makes them thinking that it is a vital chore of the day. It helps the parents in becoming the role models in eating behaviors.

If you feel that mornings are too difficult to handle a sit down and eat meal, parents can try giving their children an east-to-go breakfast that are available to lure your kids. Some good options comprise of granola bars, yogurt, dried cereal, breakfast bars, fresh fruit, and dried fruit. Let them take it and eat it on the way to school if possible, or one can even encourage kids to go to school and buy their breakfast, which most of the schools make available these days. Ideally, a breakfast should have all the essential vitamins and minerals. It is important that the children get healthy carbohydrates that provide energy. Make it a habit at your place that whatever your kids love can be prepared at home, outside eating should be minimal.

Kids should be refrained from drinking coffee and energy drinks, even aerated drinks. Show your kids how important it is to develop the brain and body to become strong by eating healthy morning meal. And parents shouldn’t forget that how important it is for your kids to see how you enjoy making breakfast and how you also love having breakfast. Even if it is just a banana shake or healthy fresh fruits, make sure they leave their homes with their tummy full for an energetic and excellent good morning.

(Author Dr Anil Jindal is Chairman and MD SRS Group, SRS Sunflag Hospital)

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