What Is The Normal Level Of Haemoglobin In Men And Women
What Is The Normal Level Of Haemoglobin In Men And Women
To maintain good health, it is important to get your haemoglobin levels checked from time to time.

Haemoglobin, a protein containing iron, is found in the blood and is responsible for carrying oxygen in our body and giving blood its red colour. The levels of haemoglobin vary from person to person. For a proper supply of blood and oxygen in the tissues of our body, the level of haemoglobin should be normal. If it is more or less, the supply of oxygen may be disrupted and affect the health. If the haemoglobin level is too low, it can be a sign of anaemia. To maintain good health, it is important to get your haemoglobin levels checked from time to time. Did you know that the levels of haemoglobin in the body of men and women differ?

Women generally have slightly less haemoglobin than men. According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports, the normal haemoglobin level in adult men is generally 14 to 18g/dl. For adult women, the normal haemoglobin level is between 12 to 16g/dl.

When the haemoglobin level in the body is less than normal, then there are chances of the person having anaemia. In this condition, a person‘s body does not receive a sufficient supply of oxygenated blood. This leads to extreme tiredness and weakness. Severe anaemia can also cause cardiovascular and lung problems.

If you or anyone you know is anaemic then it is advised to consume iron-rich foods. Iron is an important mineral that increases the production of haemoglobin. You can consider introducing iron-rich foods like fish, meat, eggs, soy products, broccoli, spinach, fenugreek leaves, cauliflower, green beans, cabbage, beans, pomegranate, beetroot, dates, raisins, figs and sesame seeds.

Make sure to also include Vitamin A foods that can help in increasing haemoglobin as they help in absorbing iron. Eat a lot of red, orange, and yellow, fruits, and vegetables like oranges, bell peppers and lime to name a few.

Folate-rich foods also play a vital role in increasing haemoglobin levels. Eat foods like black-eyed peas, kidney, beans, lettuce and peanuts. Lemon, strawberries, papaya, tomatoes, and other such Vitamin-C fruits and vegetables are for the absorption of oil in the body. Include watermelon, apple, litchis, keys, strawberries, banana, peach, grapefruit and various other dry fruits in your diet, to increase your haemoglobin levels.

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