Kapoor and Bhatt’s families came together to celebrate their little munchkin Raha Kapoor’s first birthday on November 6. Many photos and videos are going viral on social media. Soni Razdan also took to her Instagram handle and shared the photos. However, there was one photo that caught our attention. In the photo, she is seen posing with Neetu Kapoor and both grandmothers are looking very pretty.
Soni Razdan has captioned the photo, ‘Don’t mess wit us cause we’s d ganmas ok..” In the photo, both are smiling. We can even decorate for the birthday going on. Soni Razdan also sent birthday wishes to her granddaughter with a heartwarming message. “Seems like just yesterday that you came into our world. Can’t believe it’s already been a whole year! Happy Birthday darling Raha. Happy Birthday to You (pink heart emojis),” she wrote on her Instagram stories.
Take a look here:
On November 6, Alia also shared a series of photos for her daughter Raha and penned a heartwarming note. “Our joy, our life.. our light! it feels like just yesterday we were playing this song for you while you were in my tummy kicking away.. there’s nothing to say only that we’re blessed to have you in our lives.. you make everyday feel like a full creamy yummy delicious piece of cake. Happy birthday baby tiger .. we love you more than love itself (sic).”
In the first image, Raha’s hands are seen playfully smashing a cake. In the second picture, Raha, Ranbir, and Alia’s hands are intertwined, holding marigold flowers. Raha is elegantly dressed in pink attire in this shot. In the third, a video captures Ranbir and Alia holding a music box as it plays the tune La Vie en Rose.
On this special day, ‘Dadi’ Neetu Kapoor took to her Instagram stories and penned down a sweet note for her ‘precious doll’. “…and just like that she turned 1. Happy 1st Birthday my precious doll Raha. We love you to the moon and back,” she wrote and added heart balloon stickers.
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