10 Meditation Tips For Beginners
10 Meditation Tips For Beginners
By sharpening your focus and connecting to your mission through meditation, you can take advantage of the numerous benefits of comprehensive well-being

Meditation not only helps yogis and seekers of the truth to progress and evolve on their spiritual quest to self-realization and God-realization but also helps the common man live with peace and happiness. Meditation is about stopping the mind from wandering and bombarding us with thoughts. It is about making the mind still. It is a state of thoughtlessness, mindfulness, Consciousness where the intellect is activated. It is in this mindless state that we experience peace and we can be enlightened.

“Gaining mental stability and clarity via meditation will help you face any obstacles with confidence. You might feel calmer and more anchored by using techniques like meditation. Your responses to outside conditions are positively altered by this,” says Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions.

By sharpening your focus and connecting to your mission through meditation, you can take advantage of the numerous benefits of comprehensive well-being. Make meditation a regular part of your routine to get rid of tension and anxiety.

AiR, Atman in Ravi, Spiritual Leader and Founder, AiR Institute of Realization and AiR Center of Enlightenment share five tips for beginners

  1. Meditation is NOT about posture or position. One does not have to sit cross-legged on the floor with the spine erect. In fact, many people prefer to meditate on a sofa or a chair with their feet flat on the floor. We have to find a position that works for us.
  2. One does not need meditation props or aids like special mat or special clothes or music or fragrant candles. We may create a so-called meditative environment but if our mind continues to wander, it is not meditation.
  3. To make the mind still, we must control the mind. The mind produces a thought practically every second, which is a whopping 50,000 thoughts per day. We need to bring down the Mental Thought Rate, the MTR, from 50 thoughts a minute to one thought per minute. Every time the mind wanders, we have to bring it back. Every time a thought comes, we have to watch it, observe it.
  4. We have to make the monkey mind, a monk. The MONKEY has a tail, EY, that is Ever Yelling, and Ever Yearning. We have to cut this EY.  When we cut the tail, the MONKEY becomes a MONK. The mind becomes calm and ceases its incessant yelling and demanding. We must let our intellect rule the mind and let it discriminate right from wrong, the truth from the myth.
  5. Each day, set aside a place and time for meditating and increase the time gradually. Make it a habit

A person can be in a meditative state all the time. When we live in consciousness of the truth, of who we are, the Divine Soul, not the body, mind and ego, we reach that state of consciousness where we are meditating all the time.

Akshar, adds his tips for beginners who would like to start their journey of meditation.

  1. Learn the entire process of meditationEvery day offers a chance to learn something new. It is beneficial to adopt an attitude that is generally open to learning. But it is advisable to also practise restraint until you get the feel of meditation properly. If you have never meditated, then you could understand the entire technique or process before you proceed. Take care to develop your foundation by starting off slowly.
  2. Meditation and BreathingUnderstand the proper alignment for each technique prior to practising. This ensures that you can benefit the most from your practise. Moreover, the breath rate can be coordinated. Learn and understand the proper breathing technique for each meditation technique by taking your time.
  3. Have patience- Go step by stepPractice with patience; and wait for the results to show. The best method to attain your objectives when using meditation is to move slowly. Take your time to learn the process and enjoy the myriad benefits of meditation.
  4. Stay focussed on your practiceTry to quiet your thoughts if you want to perform meditation with discipline and focus. Our minds have the potential to be powerful tools for our growth. It is crucial for us to bring the mind under our control since the mind has a profound impact on how we live this life.
  5. Be InquisitiveOnce you receive a technique, stay curious. As you start your practice, keep asking your Master questions pertaining to your techniques. This will keep the process interesting and also motivate you to learn more.

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