5 Things Women Must Consider Before Turning 30, Experts Chip In
5 Things Women Must Consider Before Turning 30, Experts Chip In
By trying out these specific things, women can enter their 30s with self-assurance and a heartfelt appreciation for their unique journey

Turning 30 is certainly a milestone that is heartwarming and incredibly irritating at the same time. It is that phase in life where one is grateful for all the lessons but not too convinced with growing old and learning a few more of those lessons on the way. According to a lot of studies, it has been seen that women often strive to enhance overall well-being and set the stage for a relaxed and secure future starting from around the age of 30.

30 is a big number especially if looked at ‘age wise’ but it is important to note that it is also the perfect age to try out certain things. Things that could completely change your life and the ways in which you perceive life and society. Here are five activities every woman must consider before turning 30-

Embark on Solo Travel Adventures:

Traveling alone is not just a trend, it is a transformative experience for women to explore new places and gain independence. Exploring new destinations alone allows women to cultivate self-confidence, adaptability, and a deeper understanding of different cultures. As they navigate unfamiliar territories, they learn to trust their instincts, make decisions, and forge new connections, all of which contribute to personal growth and a renewed perspective on life.

Cheryl Grover, Solo Traveller and Consultant at McKinsey&Co says, “Travelling solo has been life-changing for me! I experienced some of the most beautiful moments of my life when I recently came across a group of 8 people from completely different nationalities and cultures in Thailand and realized how we are all inherently just the same! To be able to push my horizons, be the most comfortable in my own company while forging some amazing new friendships, and trust me enough to navigate everything which comes my way – it’s an exercise of self-confidence and has contributed significantly to my personal growth as a human. It has given me an opportunity to reflect deeply and made me a lot more grounded in life. I absolutely love the sheer freedom of it. There is so little time, and a world to see!”

Future-proof Fertility with Egg-Freezing:

In the modern world, women are increasingly seeking ways to gain control over their reproductive timelines. The idea of freezing eggs has become a proactive solution for preserving fertility potential. This procedure has proven to be more effective than IVFs, as eggs are extracted during the most fertile age, compared to the latter where couples walk-in during their infertile phase.

Dr. Nisha Bhatnagar, MBBS. MD (ObGyn), Medical Director at Infinite Fertility Wellness Centre recommends considering egg freezing before turning 30. She stated, “Egg freezing offers women the opportunity to preserve their fertility potential,” She adds “As women age, the quality and quantity of their eggs decline, which can impact their ability to conceive later in life. By freezing eggs at a younger age, women can take proactive steps to future-proof their biological clock while gaining freedom to have reproductive options.”

Learn Wealth Creation Through Investing:

 Financial independence is a cornerstone of a growth-led and stress-free future and exploring diverse investment opportunities is a savvy approach for women to cultivate their wealth. Seeking guidance from financial experts ensures a comprehensive grasp of risk evaluation, potential returns, and effective long-term financial strategizing. Starting this process early allows women to benefit from compounding advantages, ensuring financial stability and achieving lifelong ambitions.

When asked about the art of investing, Vikram Subburaj, CEO, Giottus Crypto Platform expressed, “Investing isn’t just about financial growth; it’s embracing innovation, shattering boundaries, and empowering our future. Women should delve into crypto and diverse investments, safeguarding their future while embracing the evolving landscape of opportunities, not just for themselves, but for their families too.”

Embrace Upskilling:

In the fast-transforming workspace and evolving society, it’s a chance to embrace new career-enhancing abilities. Whether mastering coding, refining project management, or enhancing communication skills, upskilling offers both personal fulfilment and a path to professional success.

Talking about upskilling, Kaninika Mishra, Head- of Learning & Development Human Resources, Genesis BCW said, “Learning financial skills both personal and business-related is critical for success. Knowing how income statements and balance sheets work makes a person more confident in pursuing ambitious career goals since senior business roles need a great degree of financial understanding. On the personal front, managing investments and expenses wisely is often the key to financial security in later years.”

Regular Health Check-ups:

Focusing on thorough health evaluations can give women the ability to detect health issues early and create informed strategies for well-being. These assessments include screenings and consultations, which can help diagnose any potential ailments and allow for timely corrective action. This sets the groundwork for a lifetime of vitality and wellness.

Dr. Seema Sharma, Associate Director, Obstetrics, Gynecology and ART, Paras Health, Gurugram, pointed out, “While there are several things that women need to be mindful of, particularly in terms of maintaining their health before they reach the age of 30, one of the most important considerations is cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer, which ranks as one of the most common cancers among women, unfortunately, lacks awareness, contributing to the heavy burden of this condition in India.”

She further added, “Around 99% of cervical cancer cases are attributed to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), primarily transmitted through sexual contact. Consequently, it is imperative that women initiate regular screening from the age of 21 onwards. This holds especially true for sexually active women, as they are at a higher risk.”

As women embrace ever-changing roles and dreams, these five activities offer a complete route to personal growth and a promising future. These endeavours not only enrich their presence but also establish the groundwork for a progressive and prosperous tomorrow.

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