Cricket Australia Clear The Decks to Overturn David Warner's Captaincy Ban
Cricket Australia Clear The Decks to Overturn David Warner's Captaincy Ban
David Warner was given a lifetime ban from ever holding a leadership role by Cricket Australia following the 2018 ball-tampering scandal in South Africa

Cricket Australia (CA) has amended its code of conduct that will now permit  its players and staff to apply to have their long-term sanctions modified provided they have fulfilled certain criteria including the existence of ‘exceptional circumstances’ that would justify any such review.

The move thus will open the doors for David Warner to be considered for a leadership role in Australian men’s cricket team. Warner was handed a lifetime ban by the CA from ever holding any leadership position following his role in the 2018 ball-tampering scandal.

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In a statement on Monday, CA said such applications will be considered by a Review Panel but added that these shouldn’t be considered an appeal/review against the original sanctions.

“Under the changes, players and support staff can now apply to have long-term sanctions modified,” the statement read.

“Any applications will be considered by a three-person Review Panel, comprising independent Code of Conduct Commissioners, which must be satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist to justify modifying a sanction.

“These circumstances and considerations will include whether the subject of the sanction has demonstrated genuine remorse; the subject’s conduct and behaviour since the imposition of the sanction; whether rehabilitation programs have been completed undertaken (if applicable) and the length of time that has passed since the sanction was imposed and whether sufficient time has passed to allow for reform or rehabilitation.

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“The code of conduct states this process: ‘Acknowledges that Players and Player Support Personnel are capable of genuine reform or rehabilitation and is intended to provide the Player or Player Support Personnel with an opportunity to resume their previously held positions or responsibilities in specific circumstances.’

“The hearing of an application is not an appeal, or a review of the original sanction imposed.”

The 35-year-old Warner has admitted he wants to have his leadership ban overturned and will be happy to have discussions with the board.

“There is talk that I might be able to have a chat to the integrity unit. If that’s possible I’m happy to sit down with them and chew the fat a little bit and see where we’re at,” Warner had said.

“If it does get overturned then we have to go from there. For me I’m a leader in this team no matter what. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got a ‘c’ or a ‘vc’ next to your name. You’ve got to put your best foot forward and lead by example,” he added.

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