WhatsApp has introduced the ability to create polls for both iOS and Android users. Follow this step-by-step guide to use polls on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp continues to add a slew of intuitive features to make the app more useful and increase its use case. Now, WhatsApp has introduced the ability to create polls for both iOS and Android users.
The feature works in personal as well as in group chats, but at the moment, it is only available for the mobile app, with availability on WhatsApp Web to follow soon.
Follow this step-by-step guide to use polls on WhatsApp:
- Open the WhatsApp app on your iOS or Android device.
- Open the personal or group chat you want to create a poll in.
- For iOS, tap on the + icon on the bottom of the screen, and select Poll.
- For Android, tap on the icon that resembles a pin, and then select Poll.
- Next, enter your poll question and subsequent responses.
- Currently, you can add up to 12 responses.
- Once done, tap send to create your Poll.
Your poll will immediately be updated to include the results of any new respondents. By selecting “View Votes,” poll makers may also see who has viewed the poll’s results.
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