These Ayurveda Tips Can Help Manage Varicose Veins
These Ayurveda Tips Can Help Manage Varicose Veins
Around 20% of adults have varicose veins, according to a research from the National Library of Medicine. The good news is that there are non-medical methods of treating its symptoms at home. To learn more, check here

Varicose veins are a skin condition that occurs when the veins in the body swell or enlarge. For some people, it can be excruciating and discomforting and can also affect their day-to-day activities. Varicose veins most commonly affect the veins in the legs and feet. To spread awareness, an Ayurveda expert, Dr Rekha Radhamony, shared an Instagram post stating the common symptoms of varicose veins and effective tips for it. Burning sensation, a change in colour of the skin around the varicose veins, itching, aching pain, and increasing pain while sitting and standing are some of the symptoms she mentioned in her informative post.

According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, around 20% of adults experience this skin condition at some point. The good thing is there are natural ways to relieve its symptoms at home apart from medical treatments.

Effective ways to manage varicose veins:

  • Elevate the legs when you are sitting. You can raise the legs of your cot with the help of wooden blocks/bricks while sleeping. According to the expert, this supports the valves of the veins to push blood back towards the heart without difficulty.
  • Loose weight, whether overweight or obese, is a significant risk factor for varicose veins. Veins face difficulty in pushing blood back to the heart when a person is overweight, but when you lose it, your veins will push blood smoothly to the heart. It also prevents the formation of new varicose veins.
  • Massage the affected area using anti-inflammatory oils in upward strokes towards the heart. Keep the massage pressure medium.
  • Try yoga asanas which have inversion poses such as padauttanasana, noukasana, merudandasana, sirsasana, and Sarvangasana.
  • Do not stand or sit for a long duration. Avoid standing and sitting for a long duration. Instead, take short breaks or try standing and walking on your toes, as it’s known to be quite effective.


If exercising doesn’t help much, try internal Ayurvedic medicines, some routine, and diet correction. Do not wait until the condition worsens and starts bleeding. If this happens, surgery remains the only possible option.

(Disclaimer: Information presented in the article is gathered from various sources/studies. News18 doesn’t guarantee the accuracy of the facts.)

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