Things Employers Can Do To Address Mental Health Issues At Workplace
Things Employers Can Do To Address Mental Health Issues At Workplace
Positive mental health is important because it enables people to deal with challenges, and setbacks in their lives, both at work and at home

The days of not discussing mental health or treating it as a trivial issue should be behind us. Positive mental health is important because it enables people to deal with challenges, and setbacks in their lives, both at work and at home. Positive mental health at work assists teams in remaining agile when roles and responsibilities change. It enables employees to thrive in their roles, manage stress, and increase resilience. Thus it becomes critical to discuss workplace mental health. It is critical to creating a safe space for employees of all levels to communicate openly and without discrimination.

Here are a few strategies that can help an employer take better care of their employees–

-An employee assistance programme (EAP) is a work-based programme that traditionally assists employees with personal or work-related issues that may be affecting their job performance or well-being. An EAP is a free service that can help employees with issues such as relationship problems, traumatic events, legal issues, wellness concerns, and a variety of other concerns. Employees can access services online, over the phone, via video or email, or in person.

-Employees can unwind and de-stress during mid-day breaks in dedicated quiet spaces for relaxation activities. Making it culturally acceptable to take breaks and use these spaces is also important. Leaders and managers can set the tone.

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-Clinical depression screenings that are free or subsidised. Clinical screenings by mental health professionals, with feedback and clinical referrals as needed. Otherwise, all other efforts of seeking evaluation and treatment can be a barrier.

-Having an in-house psychologist can have numerous advantages for an organisation. Employees can talk about burnout, long work hours, work-life balance, and stress, which will help them and inform managers about what measures can be taken to benefit the staff.

-Employees who take mental health leave do not need to justify their absences with a valid reason other than that they are stressed and unable to be highly productive. Companies can provide mental health leaves when they have a more open, friendly culture in which managers and employees can openly discuss issues.

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