What Is The Cause Of Vitamin D Deficiency In Kids?
What Is The Cause Of Vitamin D Deficiency In Kids?
A poor diet and lifestyle can lead to a lack of Vitamin D in a child’s body.

Vitamins and nutrients are essential for the overall growth of kids. If there is a deficiency of any vitamin in the body, the child’s growth can get hampered. Vitamin D is crucial to keep the child healthy and strong. A poor diet and lifestyle can lead to a lack of Vitamin D. This is one of the reasons why doctors advise parents to expose their newborns to sunlight for at least 10 to 15 minutes daily.

The well-known causes of vitamin D deficiency in an individual are age, less exposure to sunlight, lower intake of vitamin D-rich food or supplements and higher body mass index. According to studies, vitamin D deficiency impacts more than 1 billion people worldwide.

Signs of Vitamin D deficiency in kids

According to Mom Junction, vitamin D deficiency causes frequent pneumonia in children. The bones of a child also begin to weaken. When a baby’s weight doesn’t increase and its head becomes soft, these can be symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. Problems such as anaemia with muscle weakness, fingers becoming crooked and kids having trouble walking are also symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.


What causes Vitamin D deficiency in kids?

  1. Not consuming food items that are rich in vitamin D
  2. Not getting enough sunlight
  3. Problems related to kidney and liver
  4. Side effects of some medicines

How to get rid of Vitamin D deficiency?

  1. Expose the child to morning sunlight for at least half an hour daily
  2. Add a glass of milk to the diet

If these home remedies aren’t working, consult your doctor.

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