Nation a Victim of ‘Jumla Strike’: Rahul Gandhi Launches Fiery Attack on PM During Trust Vote
Nation a Victim of ‘Jumla Strike’: Rahul Gandhi Launches Fiery Attack on PM During Trust Vote
Claiming that India was a victim of ‘Jumla Strikes’, Gandhi said the Prime Minister had lost touch with the wishes of the Indian people.

New Delhi: Sparks flew in Parliament on Friday during the discussion on the no- confidence motion as Congress president Rahul Gandhi launched one of his fiercest attacks on the Modi Government so far.

Claiming that India was a victim of ‘Jumla Strikes’, Gandhi said the Prime Minister had lost touch with the wishes of the Indian people.

“In your speech, Mr Gala, I felt a deep sense of anxiety and pain. You are the victim of a 21st Century political weapon. The weapon is called the Jumla strike. The symptoms of the Jumla strike are the following – First there is a great sense of happiness and excitement. Then there is shock. After that, there is an eight-hour-long speech. The Kisans, youngsters, Dalits, tribals and women of the country are all victims," Rahul said, referring to the speech by TDP MP Jayadeva Gala earlier in the day.

Gandhi attacked the government’s record of generating employment and said it had failed in its mission of producing 2 crore jobs every year.

“Sometimes, they tell the youth of the country to sell Pakoras," he said.

Talking about demonetisation and the implementation of GST across the country, the Congress president said, “Maybe he (PM) didn’t know that farmers and poor workers operate in cash. I went to Surat, where traders told me the PM hurt them the most. Today, unemployment is at a seven-year high. But he didn’t stop there. GST was brought by Congress party, you opposed it. We wanted a single GST bracket and minimum disruption. Instead, there are 5 GST rates and I-T officers inside every small trader’s house."

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