Google launches new Interactive Events app for web, mobile to be used at its own events
Google launches new Interactive Events app for web, mobile to be used at its own events
Google launches a new standalone app every year for its conference and the new Interactive Events app is expected to replace the need of annual releases.

New Delhi: Google has rolled out a new app which is meant to be used at the company's own events. The Android app, Interactive Events, can be downloaded directly from Google Play Store.

The new second-screen tool for web and mobile is said to have strategically rolled out prior to the search giant's Google I/O 2015 developer conference. Google launches a new standalone app every year for its conference and this new app is expected to replace the need of the annual releases.

A report on Venture Beat stated that the Interactive Events app will allow guests attending events run by Google to interact with speakers on stage, take notes, participate in Q&A, connect to social media, and request for further follow-up information.

Although the current version of the app is solely Android-based, there is a possibility that it will also come in iOS variant because the description of the app refers to it as 'Google Events App' even when the official name is Interactive Events.

A message detailing the legal terms and conditions to use the app greets you when you log in the app for the first time and a disclaimer is also stated that a user's certain information is collected by the app as they use it and through Google Analytics.

Once you accept the terms and conditions, you are led to a page on which you can either scan a Google event's QR code or enter a confirmation code to add it to the list.

The app's web version works in mobile browsers providing flexibility to non-Android phone and tablet users. How smooth the app works will be known when the next Google event is organised. Registration for the Google I/O 2015 opens on March 17 and it could serve well as an opportunity to test the new app.

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