Wouldn’t a (PRODUCT)RED MacBook Air Look Absolutely Stunning? Apple, Please Make This!
Wouldn’t a (PRODUCT)RED MacBook Air Look Absolutely Stunning? Apple, Please Make This!
At this time, the Apple iPhone 12 and the Apple iPhone 12 Mini as well as the new Apple Watch Series 6 are available in (PRODUCT)RED options. Now, the world needs a red colored MacBook and the MacBook Air would be the perfect start.

There has never been a (PRODUCT)RED MacBook. That is something we hope gets corrected soon. The world needs a red colored Apple MacBook. Our views are only further strengthened by this concept posted by a user on Reddit u/17parkc, which has the gorgeous red colour splashed all over what looks like the latest generation Apple MacBook Air. It has to be said that this concept looks really good, and while we have to complement u/17parkc’s Adobe Photoshop skills, the red colour really brings out the MacBook Air’s wedge design. Apple recently released the new MacBook Air alongside updates for the MacBook Pro 13 and the Mac Mini, powered by the Apple M1 chips. Over the years, Apple has been known to release (PRODUCT)RED editions some time after the official launch, and we may just be in that window of opportunity with these updated Mac devices. Whether it will happen or not, and whether we will ever see a (PRODUCT)RED MacBook Air, remains as good a guess as any.

If at all this does happen, it won’t be the first time the (PRODUCT)RED branding has been a part of the world of computing devices. Back in 2008, Microsoft and Dell attempted a few things. Dell made the XPS One (PRODUCT)RED, the XPS M1330 (PRODUCT)RED, the XPS M1550 (PRODUCT)RED and well, the Dell 948 all-in-one printer (PRODUCT)RED. Safe to say, none of them looked particularly good (Google Search will be your companion, go find these). Microsoft had released the Windows Vista Ultimate (PRODUCT)RED, and we all know how the company’s efforts with Windows Vista panned out in the end (again, hit up Google Search to revisit the strange history of Windows Vista).

Apple has released multiple (PRODUCT)RED special edition devices over the years. At this time, the Apple iPhone 12 and the Apple iPhone 12 Mini as well as the new Apple Watch Series 6 are available in (PRODUCT)RED options. We have also seen the iPhone SE, iPhone 11, iPhone XR, special edition iPod Touch and whole bunch of accessories such as iPhone cases and Apple Watch bands get the (PRODUCT)RED variants. We have also seen an iPod Classic PRODUCT(RED) Special Edition and even a Mac Pro PRODUCT(RED) Special Edition, which was a one of its kind, and was sold for an eye watering $977,000 at Sotheby’s in November 2013. A part of every sale of PRODUCT(RED) devices is added to the global relief fund.

This does beg the question—what is so special about the (Product)Red devices? These products plug in to the partnership between Apple, brand licensing company (RED) and The Global Fund, which aims to fight AIDS. Apple and their long-standing partnership with the (RED) organization has seen them actively contribute in the fight against HYV/AIDS over the years and continue to do so. Earlier this year, The Global Fund announced that it is providing immediate funding of up to US$1 billion to help countries fight COVID-19, mitigate the impacts on lifesaving HIV, TB and malaria programs, and prevent fragile health systems in from being overwhelmed.

In 2002, Bono, the lead vocalist of the rock band U2 (also a singer-songwriter, musician, venture capitalist, businessman, and philanthropist) along with activist Bobby Shriver founded a multi-national non-governmental organization called DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade in Africa), with the stated purposed of bringing social equality and justice in African countries through debt relief, call for changes to trade rules that are detrimental to African countries, fight the spread of AIDS and even make these countries stronger democracies. In 2004, DATA was one of the founding organizations for the ONE Campaign, a non-profit organization which wanted to secure increased U.S. government funding for international-aid programs. It was in 2006 when Bono and Shriver started a brand licensing company called (RED).

The (RED) organization has multiple partnerships, including with technology companies, fashion labels and even lifestyle brands. Apart from Apple, on board are Coca Cola, Bank of America, Starbucks, Belvedere Vodka, GAP, Primark, Mont Blanc, Mophie, Alessi, Vespa, Air Asia as well as Vizio as some of the product partners. The promotional partnerships include Google, Twitter, Facebook, HBO and Rolling Stone.

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